Food poisoning JJ Maybank

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It was a sunny bright day with the pogues they are at a restaurant they haven't tried before.. they all sat in a small booth but big enough for all of them Sarah sat with JB, Pope sat with Cleo and JJ sat with Kie the waitress took their drinks and food orders. JJ had a cheeseburger with fries and a salad with a sprite, Kie had chicken salad, pope had a chicken burger with onion rings and salad, John B had a medium rare steak with fries, Sarah had a ham and cheese sandwich with salad and Cleo had salmon with butter and potatoes, when they all ate their food JJ thought his didn't taste right but he didn't think nothing of it, just talked with the rest of the pogues when they finished, JJ's stomach was cramping up bad, Kie noticed the change in JJ's demeanour the way he was sweating going shades of white he didn't look great, so Kie walked up to him.

Hi JJ how are you feeling babe? Asked Kie sweetly

Oh hi Kie I'm good thanks. JJ replied liked nothing was wrong

Kie knew he was lying JJ would never admit he was feeling sick because when his mom left he had no one to look after him his dad was doing drinking and shit. He was alone sick all he wants was someone to care for him so she just left it.

Okay no problem just checking. Kie said nicely and went back to the group.

She looked back at her boyfriend and noticed he was taking deep breaths she has had enough so she went up to confront him.

JJ cut the bullshit I know you're sick. Kiara replied more harsh than intended.

I'm not sick Kie I'm fine just headache I'm good. JJ replied. Kie could sense the sickness in his voice.

But your-.. she didn't have enough time to finish her sentence as she saw JJ bolt towards the toilets she noticed everyone stopping what their doing and looked at her she just shrugged her shoulders but still went after him they continued what they were doing.

She went into the men's restroom and called out her boyfriend's name checked in every cubicle

Baby? Voiced kiara.

She noticed one of them was locked she lightly tapped and could hear her boyfriend puking, she twisted the handle finding it locked she grabbed a hair clip from her hair and placed it in the lock to pick the lock when she heard a click she knew she made progress, she opened the door and her heart broke at the sight of her baby puking in the toilet.

JJ didn't even here his girl come in he was to busy puking his guts out then he felt a warm hand on his back rubbing his back in large soothing circles he found it helpful as he Brought more puke up after he was finished he leaned back onto his girls chest and his eyes fluttered close as she stroked his blonde locks back and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead.

There was a moment of silence between the two so Kiara chose this opportunity to speak.

Hey baby. Kiara Whispered gently

JJ just let out a big sigh as the feeling of kiara's cool fingers through his blonde locks he opened his eyes.

Mhmm. JJ just let out as he tried to not puke anymore.

Shall we go home baby? Asked kiara softly

Y-yes. JJ was too tired to perform sentences he just wanted the warmth of his bed and his girl.

JJ gets help of the restroom floor by kiara after she cleaned his face with a paper towel then flushed the chain with one arm around his waist to steady him she helped washed his hands then went out.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and ran up to the two asking questions.

Hi you okay bro? John B asked

Yeah you okay J? Sarah asked

Then the rest asked too but JJ was too tired he just leaned his head on Kie's shoulder indicating he wanted Kie to tell them and he was tired.

Yeah he's fine he has food poisoning unfortunately we might go my dad's wreck next time for lunch not that place. Kie replied and Everyone laughed.

John B can you bring the Twinkie round please? Kiara asked nicely

Sure Kie. Voiced John B

As John B bought the Twinkie round everyone got in their seats Cleo sat with pope, John B driving and Sarah next to him, and Kiara sat with JJ laying on her lap with his eyes closed while Kie just brought her fingers to his hair and started scratching softly.

They all got out and they left it to Kie to wake up the sleeping boy, she gently tapped his shoulder to wake him up.

Baby hey we're here wake up? Kiara said softly in his ear

He eventually woke up and stretched then with Kie's help got out of the Twinkie and walked up to the house and went into the spare bedroom, where they got changed JJ Got helped by Kie. She was wearing one of JJ's shirts and her joggers, JJ was just in surf shorts they got settled in bed with JJ being cuddles into Kie and her hands reaching his back rubbing soothing circles softly, once he was asleep she went to sleep too, hoping for a peaceful sleep

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