Something is wrong with JJ?

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It is currently midnight at Sarah and John B's apartment they are asleep in bed until John B's phone rings.

They both wake up to hear the phone ring Sarah cuddles into his chest as he opens his eyes and rubs them awake, to see who's calling it shows Kiara.


Who is it baby? Sarah replies whispering

Kiara. John B replies in the same tone

JB: it's MidnIght Kie, everything okay

K: I'm aware of the time thank you, and no everything is not okay JJ has come back with bruises on his face and cuts everywhere and he's not speaking to me he just went straight upstairs and I asked what's up he just said nothing but I know something happened.

JB: omg again it's probably his dad again Luke should get arrested but JJ is stubborn so he wouldn't admit it unfortunately I'll come over with Sarah give us 20 then will be there okay Kie he'll be fine he's JJ

K: hmm yeah I think It is his dad, just get here JB

JB: okay okay chill we're coming now Kie

K: okay the door is unlocked so just walk in

JB: okay Kie see you soon

What's going on baby? Sarah asked confused

Well JJ has bruises and cuts all over him, think from Luke I don't know what is wrong with that man I can physically go over and knock his ass but i won't I don't wanna ruin mine and JJ's friendship. John B replies quickly as he wants to see how his mate is.

All JJ wants is a loving father not one who hits him left and right just one who will love him and care for him.

Aww poor JJ let's go I'll just go like this. Sarah places her furry warm boots on.

They lock there door and rush to JJ and Kiara"s house they finally get out of the car and rush in there and there hearts break at the sight of there sarcastic, funny best friend heartbroken on the couch with tears in her eyes they can hear Banging and clattering upstairs, so they quickly take their shoes off. Sarah and John B walk over to Where Kiara is Sarah is the first one to speak.

Hey Kie we're here. Sarah says in a motherly voice.

Kie looks up and cries so Sarah takes her in her arms letting her cry how long she wants to and rubs her back softly.

John B tries talking next.

Kie do you know where J is? John B asks nicely

Kiara thinks for a minute and gives a shakily answer

H-he's in o-our room upstairs just moving and stomping about I think. Kiara responds quietly but loud enough for them to hear her.

Okay I'll go see him, babe you got her? John B asks with confidence

Yeah go I got her go see him baby. Sarah replies nicely

John B goes upstairs and knocks on his door he can hear whimpering and clattering but he gets met with silence he knocks again but still the same noise so he has enough and opens his door and his heart breaks into two what he notices. JJ on the bed shaking and crying the cuts and evident on his body and face, John b thinks gosh he has really messed him up this time. He walks over to JJ and gently touches him and the small whimper what comes from his mouth makes his heart rip even more he calls out his Name JJ bud it's JB says in a fatherly voice to put him at ease a bit he doesn't get a response so he try's a different card he says it's okay your safe buddy this is what breaks JJ tears flowing down his cheeks, John B opens his arms allowing the younger boy to cuddle in his arms, JJ accepts the offer and hides his face in his shoulder crying out every emotion he has all John B can do is rub his back and whisper sweet safe words. this hurts John B so much watching his friend from kindergarten fall to pieces.

All I want is to be loved by a father who doesn't hit me or hurt me. JJ says while sobbing in John B's arms.

I know buddy I know but you're loved by us you're loved by Kie who loves you very much we all do. John B says sweetly

JJ finally stops and calms down and they retreat downstairs after 20 mins of crying comforting.

Kie is talking to Sarah about how she is feeling with her pregnancy then the two girls notice JJ and John B in the lounge so Sarah gets up and wraps JJ in a motherly embrace he stands still for a second but then eventually melts into it. then JJ walks over to his girlfriend Kie who automatically takes him in her arms and let's him cuddle into her.

Sarah and the rest say their goodbyes and thanks them for coming over so late.

I know this is a bit of a sad chapter

Until next time

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