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It was night and John B was coming home from seeing his dad, he saw a black hooded man from a distance, He thought nothing of it so he carried on walking hopefully he would of gone, but as John B was walking the man picked up his pace and a black van pulled up and the man and another two people grabbed him and shoved him in the van, then drove off. 

At Sarah and John B's place 

It was getting really late and John B still wasn't home and Sarah was worried she ended up calling John B for the 5th time.

Ring ring ring 

Hi it's John B, I'm not answering because I'm either with the pogues or can't be assed. Leave a message at the beep.


Sarah started getting worried he always answers his phone and this isn't like him at all, so she tried JJ 

Hi JJ, 

John B hasn't arrived home and I'm getting really worried is he with you? if he is can you tell him to call me and get his ass home. Thanks

Sarah x

Sent 11:05 

Sarah started a slow pace around the hall thinking where the hell he could be, all these crazy and scary thoughts ran through her head, like kidnapped, beaten up, tortured.. anything and it was worrying Sarah, Sarah was bought out of her thoughts by a ping on the phone it was from JJ.

New message from JJ

Hi Sarah, 

No Sarah, he's not with me or Kie sorry, you know what he's like he's probably taking the Twinkie for a ride, don't worry he'll turn up I'm sure. 

JJ x 

Sent 11:20 

Sarah doesn't know what to do if he's not with Kie or JJ then where the hell is he, Sarah is getting anxious, where the hell is her husband. 

Back at the van 

John B had handcuffs on his wrists tying them together, he struggled to get out of them, he was driving pass different lanes possibly illegal, John B could see trees and woods where him and the pogues went when they went to Barry's house. They ended up in an abandoned building with a big black heavy door which lead into a dark room with an old mattress and a little table. They guided John B and placed him forcefully on the bed. 

In the abandoned house 

Where the hell am I, hey. John B shouted out 

Shut up and be quiet. The deeper man spoke

No not until you tell me where I am. John B exclaimed, but that got him a slap on the face. 

John B tried not to wince but that bloody hurt, he noticed blood on this face from where his face connected to the man's ring. 

Now shut the hell up or next time I won't be so nice. The man said with an evil smirk. 

The man left and locked the big door behind him, it was just John B and the big ol' building, alone in the dark no cell phone to call anyone, just him, waiting for the pogues to rescue him. 

Back at Sarah and John B's house 

Sarah was getting really worried now it's almost 2AM and he's still not back home or answering any calls, she went up to their bedroom and got changed into some sweats and put some trainers on and went out. 

Sarah got out and went to the chateau where she saw Pope,Cleo, JJ and Kiara and the only person missing is her husband John B who is nowhere to be seen. 

The chateau

Everyone was talking and laughing, until they saw Sarah and the laughing and talking stopped as they saw Sarah standing there in tears and a big sad smile on her face. They all got up and started asking if she was okay. 

Hey Sarah you okay sweetie. Kiara asked sweetly 

Yeah you okay Sarah? Pope and Cleo asked

Sarah what's up buttercup? JJ asked 

That's what broke her, these constant questions about her all she wanted was her husband John B, Tears streaming down her face. 

Kiara being Kiara took Sarah in her arms and hugged her then all the others joined the group hug. 

Sarah calmed down and explains what happened and all the others were in tears like Sarah, this can't be happening again. 

But what do you mean hasn't been home? Pope asked. 

Well I called him and he didn't answer so I tried JJ after awhile and he said he ain't seen him either. Sarah replies shakily. 

Well what the actual fuck, JJ replies stressed. 

Hey guys we'll find him okay we just need to put our heads together and think of a plan. Kiara responds.

They won't stop until they find their brother and Sarah's husband.

The abandoned building 

John B was thinking how did he get messed up in this, could have it been from when they went to Barry's or when they went to the limbrey's house. The door opened and saw the same man from before, he didn't recognise him but somehow the man knew him. 

Hello John B. 

So who do you guys think it is? 

Comment down below

Until next time.

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