Breakdown JJ Maybank

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JJ was so worked up about the gold and that the guys couldn't save it being held at a fake address in the middle of nowhere at gunpoint, JJ went through Barry's pocket to take out his card with his address. 

So Barry this is where you live. JJ said straight to his face. 

Barry didn't say anything just smirked at their faces, JJ walked off to the Twinkie. 

Let's go find out where this son of a bitch lives. JJ says to the guys walking away. 

The rest of the guys just stood there and hesitantly walked to the Twinkie, they all got in with JJ driving to the address. 

It was a small country house with lots of trees, JJ parked the truck and got out without letting anyone know, he closed his door and walked up to the house. 

Hey yo. What are you doing? John B replies confused like the rest of them as they all watched their friend walk towards the house. 

Yo soy justicia, JJ says as he walks in the house. 

Did you gleam anything from that? Pope asked as he looked at Kiara. 

You know somebody should probably follow... kiara says as she got cut off by John B walking to find JJ. kiara didn't answer pope Just got straight to the point.

Yep i got it. John B says as he walks towards it. 

Right.  Kiara responds. 

As John B enters the house, he finds his friend searching through his stuff, couch, cupboards. 

Yo man, what are you doing? John b asked as he was confused and also worried about his friend. 

Hath have stealeth and we shall seek, as JJ lifts up the pillows to search for the cash once he realises it's not there he goes to the bedroom. 

Says the one who doesn't understand what that even means. John B follows JJ into the room and tries to talk him down. 

Listen J it could be anywhere or might not even be here. John B says trying to make his friend see sense. 

Nope it's here man, it's here somewhere. JJ replies with honesty as he searches the closet and small cubby hole on the closet, he finds a duffel bag which contains the cash. JJ walks towards the bed and places the bag down and zips it open taking out the 10k and throws it on the bed. 

Look man, 10k we could pay for restitution, JJ says as he places the cash back in the bag, and walks out with John B not far behind him. 

When the guys all see JJ and John B they all get out run over to him. 

Look guys 10k I'll give you each some, JJ says as he gets the money out of the bag. 

Oh so we're robbing drug dealers now? Pope called out 

What no man look it's money which I found, we could have some each for restitution, JJ says as nothing is up. 

JJ, we're tired of the police shit and everything. Kiara says as she tries to talk some Into him. 

JJ, Kie's got a point we're tired of everything and getting in trouble with the police. John B says trying to reason with him. 

Okay guys I risked my life to get this for us and this is how you repay me. JJ speaks not actually caring If that's true or not. 

Everyone stays silent until pope speaks up. 

But JJ this isn't the way to go about it we can do this another way. Pope says desperately. 

Another way? Another way pope I took the fall for you man, when your ass was on the line, I still haven't been paid back. JJ replies like he felt betrayed.

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