Panic attack - JJ maybank

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They were at the chateau, JJ was sitting with Kiara, Cleo with pope and Sarah with her husband John B.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and drinking beers, until the doorbell rang.

I'll get it guys. JJ pipes up as he goes and puts his beer down. 

Everyone mutters okay's. As they see JJ go to the door. 

JJ opens the door and Luke grabs and shoves him to the wall.

Where the hell is my money you little shit . Luke demands angrily.

I-I don't know. JJ responds truthfully

Oh, oh you do son, you shitting well do. Luke replies knowingly.

I don't know!! JJ says with tears running down his face.

Everyone hears what's going on and places their drink on the table and bolts to the door. 

Their hearts drop at what they see, JJ and his father fighting and JJ up against the wall with Luke's hands on his arms.

Hey, leave him alone and get the hell out now! John B demands angrily.

Ummm. I don't think so, I'm talking to my son, not you. Luke shouts as he pushes his son more. 

I mean it Luke get the fuck out now! John B shouts and grabs him from JJ and shoved him outside. 

I'll be back for you JJ! Luke demands as he walks off. 

Once the door closes, JJ sinks to the floor with his head on his knees, loud and big sobs and his body shaking.

All their hearts shatter at what they just saw, JJ has never been looked after properly,  physically or emotionally, His dad has verbal and physically abused him as a kid and it just carries on as he gets older. 

There's a moment of silence as Kiara pipes up first and walks over. 

Hi baby. Kiara crouches down and taps his hand gently, 

No response just sobs

Baby it's okay, you're safe now. John B got rid of him, can you look at me baby or even tell me you're okay. 

No response, she did feel a tight squeeze on her hand. 

That's good baby, do you wanna look at me Bubbas? Kiara offered gently. 

JJ lifts his head to reveal bloodshot eyes from crying and his cheeks flushed red.

I-I j-just w-want a d-dad! JJ says through his tears. 

Everyone Just stands there with tears pooling in their eyes, as they watch their friend breakdown in front of them.

All JJ wants is lovely, caring father not one who hits him left and right if he doesn't do the job properly.

Kiara gently takes his shaking hands with hers and wraps them around her waist, as she moves closer to wrap JJ in warm embrace, with this much contact this is enough for JJ to breakdown more, Kiara runs her hands over his back and hair in a soothing way. 

I know baby, shhh, I know and you don't need a dad you got us as your siblings and me as your girlfriend, we love you very much, John B can boot his ass if he tries anything. Kiara says softly. 

JJ calms down under her touch and just lays there with his head on her chest in the hug, with a big sigh. 

All the others come over and join the hug. 

Hi bubba you wanna go to bed we could snuggle? Kiara suggests sweetly. 

Everyone makes gross faces as a joke, this makes everyone laugh including JJ 

Yeah I wanna sleep baby, JJ says and rubs his eyes in a childish way. 

Everyone aww's at what they see between their friends. 

Come on then big boy, let's go upstairs. Kiara teases softly. 

Ummm. Who are you talking to? I'm not a big boy I'm an adult, you must be talking to John B. JJ teases. 

Everyone breaks out into small giggles, while John B is there pretending to fake offence. 

Hey I'm not a big boy. John B says. 

Oh baby. you are, Sarah teases. 

Okay guys we're gonna go sleep. Kie says softly. 

Okay have fun you two. Pope winks at the guys 

Oh shut up guys. Kie says as they walk upstairs. 

Love ya too. John B speaks. 

Yeah yeah. Kie says as she carries on. 

Love you too JJ. Sarah says, so do the guys. 

You too guys. JJ says as he reaches the bedroom. 

They get in and JJ falls asleep on her chest while she plays with his hair. 

Then Kiara falls asleep. 

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