"Why'd you have to go fight topper baby"?

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It was one night, and Sarah was in bed reading a book, she hasn't heard John B come back yet, she thought he was probably picking up so chocolate for her, or traffic.

Sarah was half way through her book, until she heard loud sobs coming from downstairs, she placed her book down on the table, and went downstairs.

Baby? Sarah whispered.

Nothing but loud sobs coming from John B.

Aww baby, what happened? Sarah rushed over to him, and brought him into her arms.

Shhhh it's okay, hey what's wrong, you're safe. Sarah soothed softly, while using one hand to run a soft through his hair.

M-me and t-topper h-had a f- fight! JB sobbed out, still clinging to Sarah.

Sarah knew something happened between them two, something about his father who was missing, Sarah could knock topper on his ass, from what he said to her husband. 

Baby, hey can you look at me? Sarah softly suggested. 

John B sniffled, and lifted his head up, he had two small bleeding wounds on his forehead, and multiple bruises, poor guy must have been hurting, and managed to get home. 

Oh baby! Your face is all swollen and bruised, let's clean you up, then we can snuggle in bed together. Sarah whispered, as they both got up, headed to the bathroom. 

They ended up in the bathroom, John B sat on the toilet seat, waiting for his wife, to help him. 

This might hurt a bit bubba, but I'll be gentle, I promise. Sarah promised gently, as she cleaned his cuts up, and shushed softly, when the rubbing alcohol made contact with his cuts.

Nearly done baby. Sarah whispered.

Ok. JB mumbled. 

Sarah placed plasters on his cuts, and put a new shirt on him to sleep in, she then packed away the medical kit. 

All done baby! Sarah praised, as they both got up, and got in bed. 

C'mere baby. Sarah whispered.

JB didn't say anything just cuddled into Sarah's chest, and let out a sigh, as she was playing with his hair.

It's ok baby, you can go to sleep I'm here. Sarah shushed gently. 

Ok. JB mumbled out half asleep.

Sarah stayed awake, until she knew John B was asleep. 

Sarah lied down, and closed her eyes, then fell asleep with John's B's snoring. 

Hi My Readers!! 

This was requested, hope you guys like it, and whoever requested this likes it too! 

I'll upload some more tonight or tomorrow!! 

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~ Stay safe 😊

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