Looking at You Got Me thinking Nonsense

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Cute mini stories where Branch would do anything at all for her and she would fall even harder for him.

1.( Blanket Fort)
Branch and Poppy built a fort together for an indoor date night.

Poppy: So what do you think of it?

Branch: Honestly Poppy, I think that you make the best forts in general.

Poppy: I made a whole list of what were going to do in there!

Branch: Really, Do tell!

Poppy: Scrapbook

Branch: What was that last one?

Poppy: You know what I mean.

Branch: Umm no

Poppy: Fine! Sometimes I want you to birds and the bees me!

Branch: I get the ideas.

Poppy: So are you ready for this date? What should we do first?

Poppy didn't really see it coming but the next thing she knew was that Branch was now on top of her touching and kissing her in areas that he knew drove her crazy in a good way. They never finished the list at all.

2. (King Peppy)
King Peppy loves spending time with his daughter but sometimes she tends to overshare about her relationship with Branch.

Smidge: That game of volleyball was so fun! It's too bad you couldn't play Poppy.

Poppy: I know I just had a long night and didn't get any sleep.

King Peppy: Are you having trouble sleeping?

Poppy: No.

Smidge: So what's keeping you up.

Poppy: Branch...

Smidge: What is he doing that's keeping you.

Poppy: He's been loving me so good last night I am so sore.

Smidge: OH My Guh! But why should I be surprised at this point.

King Peppy: Would you look at the time. I have to get ready for Bingo with Dr Moonbloom.

Poppy: Right! I'll see you later dad.

King Peppy: Right back at you.

Smidge: Did it ever occur to you that your father knows that what you and Branch are fooling around in your bedroom?

Poppy: Yeah it did.

Smidge: And it doesn't bother you that he knows?

Poppy: I guess it was awkward at first but he knows I'm not a little girl anymore.

Smidge: What do you mean it was awkward at first?

Poppy: Well two years into our relationship he caught us in my pod. Fully clothed by the way but it was getting there!

Smidge: OH My Guh!

Poppy: I know. He left before anything else happened. But after that he told me everything, gave me the talk even though we did the deed, and he gave me advice while supporting me. We never spoke about it again.

Smidge: So what you're saying is that you're the horny one in the relationship.

Poppy: Obviously Smidge, You should know Branch is the romantic one.

Smidge: Why did I ask?

3. (Please don't be in love with someone else. ) Poppy opens up to Branch about her fear of him falling in love with anyone but her.

Branch: You have been up on me for the past hour. Are you getting sick or something?

Poppy: Branch I promise you that I am fine.

Branch: Hmm, you have a button that says "I'm sad, ask me why." So why are you feeling sad?

Poppy: I don't want to talk about it

Branch: It's OK, you don't have to tell me.

Poppy: Well since you asked

Branch: OK then.

Poppy: I was feeling sad because you could lose interest in me and fall in love with anyone else would could make you even happier than I ever could. It really freaks me out that any other girl out there could make you happy. It makes me wanna be a better partner it if keep you from leaving me.

Branch: Wow Poppy.

Poppy: I know it's silly

Branch: Poppy you can feel whatever you want. And I'm glad you told me.

Poppy: Do you still love me?

Branch: Poppy I fall n love with you every single day and night and that will never stop. I would never fall for anyone else but you. I married you till death do us art and I would never break that vow. Do you understand?

Poppy: I understand. Thank you for making me feel better

Branch: I'll do anything that I can to make you happy.

Poppy: And I'll do the same for you.

Branch: I love you Poppy.

Poppy: I love you too.

Branch: How about I make it up to you.

Poppy: What more can you possibly do?

Branch: How about you and I go to our favorite place and have a picnic. Just you and me together.

Poppy: That sounds perfect Branch. You're the best husband ever.

Branch: And You're the greatest wife ever.

AN: Happy Broppy day too you and many more. I am super excited for Trolls: Band Together and I can't wait to see what happens. I never thought a fictional ship would have me in a chokehold just by how much chemistry they have whenever they're together. So thank you for just existing and making people happy.
UpDate: What do you mean this didn't publish?

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