Surprise Date

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Branch surprises Poppy with a secret Picnic Date.

Branch had been acting suspiciously all week long. The teal blue troll kept telling Poppy that he had a surprise planned for her, but wouldn't give her any hints as to what it could be. Poppy tried to get it out of him, but Branch just wouldn't budge.

One day, Branch blindfolded Poppy and took her on a walk. Poppy had no idea where they were headed, but she knew that Branch would never put them in any danger. After what felt like hours, the couple finally arrived at their destination. When Branch took off her blindfold, Poppy was standing in front of a beautiful park.

"Surprise! I've organised a secret picnic date for us," Branch said with a grin.

Poppy was in awe. The park was filled with beautiful flowers, and the sun was shining. There was a picnic blanket laid out with all of Poppy's favourite foods. They sat down and started talking about everything under the sun. It was a perfect day, and I couldn't believe that Branch had gone through so much effort to make it happen.

As the sun began to set, the couple lay down on the picnic blanket, looking up at the sky. Branch took Poppy's hand and looked her in the eyes.

"I wanted to do something special for you, because I love you so much," Branch said.

Poppy felt her heart melt. She knew that she loved him too. They kissed as the sun set behind us, and it was a moment that both would never ever forget.

Branch had truly outdone himself with this picnic date. It was the perfect way to spend a day with the person she loved the most.

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