Going to Bed Together

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The first time they've slept together it was really awkward but it was something that they could get used to.

The silence in the room was almost deafening. The only sounds heard was the gentle and occasional rustle of the covers and the sniffs and sighs of the occupants settling out for the night. There had been a time when Poppy had dreamed of this happening, however, in her daydreams and night dreams, there had been a lot more going on. That wasn’t to say lying curled up on her left side, facing away from her bed partner while he lay flat on his back wasn’t pleasant, she had just dreamed of more.

Branch sighed again. Poppy felt him turn his head to look at her back before turning back to stare at the ceiling. When she first came over, she didn’t know what to expect. He had been to her home on occasion to hang out with her and to think, but usually he took up residence on the couch as she would scrapbook away. But Branch had never come into her bed.

Yet three days after getting comfortable with each other in their new romantic relationship personally, the sofa had stopped being comfortable and he had lain down beside her that night. Poppy shifted slightly, her foot bumping into his leg as she did.

"Sorry," The Pop Queen whispered to her boyfriend, jerking her foot back.

Branch just grunted in response.

Poppy pulled the blanket up to her chin and sighed, settling out. Slowly, and not even realizing it, she matched her breathing to his as she fell asleep.

Poppy woke up slowly. She stretched as she rolled onto her back. It was then she realized there was an arm around her waist and a firm body now pressed against her side. Freezing, her arms above her head, Poppy looked to her right and felt her breath hitch in her throat. Branch looked so much lighter and less intense when he was asleep. His curls were in disarray and lines from the pillow case on his cheek. Poppy didn’t know when he had fallen asleep nor when he had reached for her, pulling her close against him during the night but as she took in his sleeping form, she realized she didn’t quite care.

Slowly Poppy lowered her arms, one hand coming to rest at her side, the other at his wrist. The contact made him jump slightly, his eyes opening blearily to stare at her with those blue eyes. Poppy bit her lip and mouthed a “sorry” to him, before making to pull away. But Branch tightened his grip on her waist. Poppy relaxed slightly. As awkward as waking up had been, perhaps it wasn’t all bad.

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