Nose Kisses

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Every day Branch wakes up in the morning, looks at Poppy who is sleeping peacefully next to him, and gets butterflies in his stomach thinking about how lucky he is to have her forever.

The morning sunlight shone through the window and warmed his skin even as he fought consciousness.

He grimaced at the thought of waking up, of leaving his warm bed and the woman who shared it with him. He felt Poppy shift next to him and smiled a sleepy smile as she caressed his shoulder.“You’ve got to wake up, Branch,” she said as if reading his thoughts.

He smiled, "I know but right now I'm just going to watch my beautiful queen who I love very much." Branch replied pulling his lover close to him causing Poppy to giggle by his antics."Branch it's too early and I have a busy day today now that Queen Barb is visiting." Poppy let out a small groan in annoyance.

Branch smirked a bit. "What are you thinking about?" Poppy asked sensing his thoughts. "Remember that time she walked in on us?" Branch asked laughing at the thought while Poppy face turned red. "Yeah Branch, She also wouldn't stop hinting about it publicly" Poppy replied hiding her face with a pillow.

They layed their together quietly enjoying the silence before Branch leaned over to her. He kisses one eyelid, then the other. If he could kiss every single lash that swept down across her cheekbones, he would.

He kisses her cheeks, one after the other, methodically, so unlike a poet. He moves inwards to the centre of her face to her nose, kisses the tip. He makes his way over to her lips. He goes to kiss them, then rethinks and plants a delicate kiss in the corner.

Poppy leaned close; their noses touched. For a long while, they just looked into one another’s eyes. Her fingertips caressed the tip of his ear; he sank his fingers into her hair.'I-' she began, but closed her eyes, lips pressing against the tip of his nose.'What?' he pressed, tracing the lines of her face. 'I'm…I just love you forever,' she breathed against his skin.

' I love you too Poppifer,' he whispered against her lips, catching them into a long, tender kiss. They both knew how great of a day it was going to be.

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