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Branch helps Poppy into her dress. He is whipped for her.

“Hey Branch?” Poppy asks, catching his attention, and he looks up from where he’s been fixing Gary's buttons and immediately loses his breath at what he sees.

Poppy is standing with her back to him, the blueish green dress hanging open down her back, what seems like miles of pale skin standing out between the flaps of fabric, all the way down to her satiny underwear.

“Can you zip up my dress for me?” she asks, but the too-innocent tone of her voice and the way she bats her eyelashes say she knows exactly what she’s doing to him.

Branch swallows hard and walks forward knowing how much of a mess she makes him. His hands land on Poppy's waist as his lips reverently caress her bare shoulder.

The pink girl chuckles breathlessly, voice deeper when she says, “We still have time before the wedding starts." She could feel Branch roll his eyes talking about Floyd's wedding as he was marrying a pineapple because it was just too good.

Branch pauses, still touching her, and closes his eyes. “I can be patient for you I just want you here.”

Poppy grins over her shoulder. “And I guess waiting will make the eventual reward that much sweeter.” The Pop Queen whirls and seizes his face, pecking him on the cheek. “You’re very right, Branchifer.”

Branch groans. He was now regretting waiting. “You’re still unzipped,” he mutters. “Turn back around.”

Poppy strokes his cheeks and winks before doing so. Branch forces steadiness into his hands as he reaches for the zip and draws it slowly up her back, watching the dress come together over her lithely muscled form. He just couldn't believe his eyes, she’s beautiful.

“Thanks, Branch,” Poppy says when he’s finished and saunters away as if nothing has happened.

Branch watches her go, knowing he’s so gone for this woman and having absolutely no regrets. He quickly ran to catch up with her.

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