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Branch just wanted a little taste of Poppy's lips.

The kitchen was covered in flour and sugar and eggs and Poppy was currently singing along softly to the radio. She’d wanted to make a birthday cake for Biggie, and Branch wasn’t interested in baking much, but he’d agreed to help. The teal blue troll wasn’t sure how much help he was, especially when he kept getting distracted by the way the light caught her pink hair and the plump softness of her mouth. It was all still so new, so fragile. Branch just wanted to savor every moment with Poppy.

Poppy swiped a finger through the batter and brought it to her lips, humming with pleasure. A tiny spot of chocolate lingered at the corner of her mouth and Branch leaned a little closer towards her direction.

The Pop Queen blinked at him, her magenta eyes bright and happy. “What?”

“You have something…” Branch murmured, about to reach out and brush it away with his thumb, before he had a better idea.

Branch leaned in and touched his tongue to the edge of Poppy's lips, which turned up into a smile. The batter was sweet and rich, but Branch had hardly noticed. Branch wrapped his arms around Poppy's waist and she turned to face him as he licked into her mouth with a groan. The Pop Queen pressed her body to his and Branch still couldn’t quite believe that she was here, with him, like this. Every time he touched her, it felt like a gift.

It was more than that. It was a promise. She wasn’t going anywhere. Neither was he. Not anymore. Not even in his wildest dreams.

Branch grips drifted down from Poppy's waist and she moaned softly into his mouth as he lifted her, hands under her thighs to boost her up onto the counter. Bowls and measuring cups clattered, but neither of them cared. Poppy's legs wrapped Branch's hips and held him to her.

“What about the Cake?,” the pop queen asked, as she trailed kisses down Branch's jaw. Her teeth grazed over his skin and sent a spark down his spine.

“Screw the cake,” Branch growled. As he kissed her again, swallowing her giggles as he lifted her again to take her to the bedroom.

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