First Days : Part 13

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Aonung sighs deeply, then makes his way to what the students call the Gen 1 Ilu pool. It's where they ride an Ilu in a shallow pool and learn the basics of riding, and how to navigate the streets safely.

Just before the bell rings again for tardiness, Aonung runs into the shallow pool room. He looks around at the many Gen 1 students, then spots the oddballs standing near his sister. He makes his way over to them, then looks down into the water at the many Ilu kept and cared for here, for the students to learn from.

Some teachers are in the water, it's about chest deep. There are many students, so they're sectioned off into their assigned class for the year.

Tsireya's teacher is an old friend of her father, and is aware of the situation with his extra students, the Sullys. Mr. Fore is what he's called.

Mr.Fore- I know we've already gone over the course introduction, but for our Omatikayan transfers I will repeat. These, as most of us know, are Ilu. They are smart, friendly creatures, who are also our mode of transportation in the water.

He looks directly at the newbies in the room.

Mr.Fore- In this course you will learn how to properly ride one, and also learn a few things about stream safety.

An Ilu suddenly splashes water into his face, and clicks happily, breaking his gaze from the Sullys. It makes some of the students laugh, and Fore chuckles a bit.

Mr.Fore- This one we call Jokester, he's very playful as you can see.

Lo'ak- I wanna ride that one!

Kiri laughs at Lo'ak's enthusiasm, as does Fore. The man turns to face the rest of his class.

Mr.Fore- My attention will be focused more on these three for a while-

Aonung- A week.

He glances at Aonung, not appreciating the interruption, but is glad for the information.

Mr.Fore- Ah, for a week then. The rest of you know what to do, so please begin. If you need help with anything, ask my assistant.

The Metkayina students get into the water and start the exercises they were taught the first week. Fore climbs out of the pool, pulling his hair into a low ponytail, then looks curiously at Tsireya, wondering why she hasn't started on her exercises.

Tsireya- I want to help.

Mr.Fore- Hmm, I suppose that's okay. It might help you improve.

Tsireya- Yes!

Lo'ak is the first to run right up to their teacher, with a big smile on his face.

Lo'ak- So what's first? Fighting for dominance?

His question catches the attention of the rest of their class, making them go silent. One boy in particular, with one dark blue eye, asks what's on everyone's mind.

Faygo- Why would you want to fight an Ilu?

Lo'ak- That's how you secure a bond.

A few students begin to whisper, and give him odd looks.

Mr.Fore- Allow me to clear this up. Students, over here.

They turn their attention to the all knowing teacher.

Mr.Fore- In the forest, where they come from, they have Ikran. They're big, aggressive creatures that fly. They aren't like our Ilu, who bond happily with anyone. Ikran bond for life, and only fly with one chosen person.

The students' eyes widen in a bit of awe.

Lo'ak- Yeah, and if it chooses you, it tries to kill you. Then you have to fight it in order to bond.

Faygo- Woah.

They begin to chatter excitedly, which makes Lo'ak smile. Kiri looks at Neteyam with a smirk.

Kiri- He's a natural.

Neteyam chuckles, and a bunch of students start asking Lo'ak questions. As Kiri watches her brother connect to the class, she notices one student staring at her.

After locking eyes for a split second, Faygo quickly looks away, and pretends to be focused only on his Ilu. Kiri continues to watch the boy for a moment, before getting distracted by the rising volume in the room. But before things get too loud, Fore raises his hand to silence them.

Mr.Fore- They will be with us for the rest of the week, so there will be plenty of time to ask them questions later. For now, let them at least get in the water first.

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