Dark Nights : Part 11

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In the middle of the night, the blue boy's golden eyes peel open, gazing blurily into the darkness from his spot on the bed. As he lies there, steadily waking, his thoughts of the plan he was creating earlier begin to fill his head.

Normally one would still be thinking of the previous events that put him to sleep to begin with, but as much as he enjoyed himself, his actions held some strategy to them.

He mixed duty with pleasure since it coincidentally lined up to his goal, which is to keep Aonung out of the way while he deals with someone he should've gotten rid of long before now. He kept getting held back by others, and willingly held himself back for his cherished lover, but he's done waiting.

He gently adjusts himself to lean up on his arms, feeling Aonung's arm lying over his waist. He leans all the way up, and caresses the marine hand, looking down at its owner's still snoozing face. He runs his other hand through the boy's hair, and gains no reaction, letting him know Aonung is still sleeping deeply.

Without moving around too much, he slides out from under the covers, and fixes them to lay comfortably over Aonung without him there. With his eyes now adjusted to the dark, he goes over to where he dropped the clothing he picked out, locating it on the floor, then puts them on. He notices a dagger in a pouch hanging on the wall near the dresser, and decides to borrow it. Once the blade is secure around his waist, he walks back over to the bed, placing a kiss on Aonung's head as a silent apology for not leaving things be, as he wanted him to.

Quietly, he exits the room, closing the door back gently. The house is silent as he descends the stairs. He takes a quick glance at the large clock in the dining room, seeing it's just after 11:30. He was hoping to wake sooner, but the extra hour lost was worth it to him, even though his behind feels a little abnormal.

After exiting the house, and climbing onto his skimwing, he heads straight to destination one; The police station. He makes his way there, going as fast as he can without disrupting traffic. He pulls into the lot and hops up onto the sidewalk, striding boldly into the place. Upon entering, he spots a familiar officer, the one that helped his brother before; Officer Kyro.

The man notices him, and pauses a conversation with his new partner, then walks right up to him.

Kyro- What brings you here again, boy?

Neteyam- It's Neteyam, and I have some information you'll find useful.

Kyro- What kind of information?

Neteyam- I heard you say you've had trouble with a specific group of robbers.

Luminous Nights [Neteyam x Aonung]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang