First Nights : Part 15

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Almost reluctantly, Neteyam steps out door and heads downstairs out of the left wing. He can see the many decorations his mother got in the living room as he walks up to the spiral staircase.

From one of the couches, Neytiri watches him slowly make his way up the stairs. He's never gone up there before, none of the Sullys have. Ronal often refers to it as her childrens' domain, since her and her mate's room is downstairs.

As he makes his way to the top, he looks down the wide hallway, remembering he's looking for the second door on the left.

He steps onto the soft rug that runs along the hall, then stops in front of Aonung's door. Gently, he knocks, with no clue how much he just confused the marine boy.

Nobody ever knocks on his door. Both his parents just barge in, as does his sister, so he knows it's one of the Sullys.

The door opens, and Aonung meets Neteyam's nervous expression.

Aonung- What brings you up here, forest boy?

A light smirk forms on Aonung's face, making Neteyam feel calmer.

Neteyam- I wanted to give you this.

He holds out the necklace, and Aonung looks down at it, his face slowly going into awe.

Aonung- This is what you went and bought without me?

Neteyam- Yeah, since it is for you.

He gently takes it out of the Sully boy's hands, observing it closely.

Neteyam- I thought you'd look nice in it.

A smile spreads onto his face the more he observes it, then he looks up into the golden eyes watching him.

Aonung- You're really something else.

Neteyam- It was the least I could do, really. Since you spent all that money on me.

Aonung- Well, now I know you're worth it.

He smiles a bit bashfully, then steps back, suddenly feeling really nervous.

Neteyam- So uh, that's all I wanted to do, so, see you at dinner.

He practically runs down the stairs, making Aonung chuckle at his odd behavior.

Aonung- Thanks.

He doesn't get a response, and he shakes his head wondering just how fast Neteyam was going. As he walks back into his room, placing the necklace on his dresser, he smiles at it once more.

His sister was right about him, he really hasn't felt like this since last year when he first got with Rotxo.

He leans against the dresser, running his thumb along the small golden chain. After a short sigh, he curses to himself. No wonder it hurt him so much when Neteyam said they weren't friends at first.

He curses once more. He said he wouldn't get so smitten with someone ever again, but this forest boy is starting to make him feel some type of way.

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