Dark Nights : Part 19

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The sun shines brightly over the glistening warm oceans and the shining city on a hot day. Just outside the city, many families are gathered in the bleachers of a large platform, watching as the Gen 3 students get their diplomas.

With traditional music playing, each student is called, in alphabetical order, to receive the important folder. After they also get a protective case for it, the students jump into the ocean to meet with their skimwing or ilu, then do a trick for the crowd before heading to their next destination.

The days spent rehearsing for graduation were mainly spent perfecting the trick they would do before riding back into the city, to the location of the graduate only celebration. The event consists of a formal congratulations given by the school's head, then is followed by a dance, and ends with a fine dinner.

The graduation ceremony officially started at about 1:00, and many students have already been called, including Aonung. By the time Neteyam is called, it's already an hour later. He stands from his seat and walks up greeting a few adults, then receives his diploma from the head of the school herself. After accepting it, he looks to the crowd and instantly sees his family waving to him, and his father taking pictures from afar.

After securing the folder in its protective case, he slides it into his pouch, then runs off the platform, diving into the water. Only then is his family allowed to cheer, as each one gets to do when their children go to show off a trick.

His vision clears underwater and he sees his skimwing coming towards them. As they practiced, he grabs onto it, securing his feet on the saddle as they swim downwards. When he pats its side, it suddenly turns sharply and swims back upwards at a quickened speed. They soon break the surface, and the creature flies higher into the air, turning on its side.

Neteyam propels off of it, rising a bit higher, and crossing his arms over his chest. In sync, they both spin horizontally, as they've practiced many times, before he lands back on its saddle as they dive back into the water.

The crowd claps for him, but he can hear his siblings screaming over everything else, which makes him laugh. As he rides off, heading on the path back to the city, he waves back at them with a smile. Once he makes his way to the mainstream, there's a path made just for the graduates, cutting off others with traffic buoys.

Neteyam follows the path, and it leads him straight to the same location where the End of Season dance was held. He pulls up to the sidewalk and hops off, petting his skimwing a bit for its good work. A few hosts are there to welcome him as he makes his way in. There's calm music playing softly, and everyone is seated and waiting at the tables.

Out of the many students already here, he's only looking for one. As he walks through the tables, scanning for him, his name is suddenly called from behind. He turns and sees his dashingly dressed marine boy coming up to him. Aonung grabs his hand and gently pulls him to the table he claimed for them.

It's empty, since their friends have yet to show up.

After they sit, Neteyam observes Aonung's look, dressed in black and white attire, but feels displeased by his neat bun. He suddenly frowns, confusing Aonung.

Aonung- What?

Neteyam- I told you to wear your hair down.

Aonung- It was gonna get in the way while I did my trick.

Neteyam- Well we aren't doing tricks anymore, the bun comes out.

He takes the bun out himself, making Aonung laugh at him. After running his fingers through the curly hair, he finally smiles again.

Aonung- Happy now?

Neteyam- Mhm, now you look nice and pretty for me.

Aonung shakes his head with a smile, feeling heat in his cheeks.

Aonung- You're such a flirt these days.

Neteyam- Like it?

Aonung- I honestly don't know how I feel about it.

Neteyam- (laughs)

Aonung- Don't laugh at me, I'm serious. I'm already yours but it feels like you're trying to pick me up.

Neteyam- Maybe I am.

Aonung- What?

He begins to laugh, yet again, at his confusion, and Aonung rolls his eyes.

Aonung- Okay, keep laughing, baby Teyam. I'll just tell the others how you got that name.

Neteyam- Don't you fuckin' dare.

Aonung- Why not? It's a funny little story.

Neteyam- Aonung, I'm not playing with you.

Aonung- Nice try, but you don't scare me anymore.

Neteyam glares at him, but he only pecks his lips happily in return.

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