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Okay! Just so I don't cause anybody to be offended, upset, or uncomfortable with the coming chapters, I'm giving a massive warning and also explaining a few things so you understand that the events in my plot are there for a reason and are not random for the sake of torture.

There is a warning in the description of the book but I still have to do this in case it was missed.

I'm very nonchalant by nature and generally don't get bothered by such things. I like darker topics to the point where they hardly seem dark to me, and sometimes I don't recognize when a warning is even due so a peep of mine had to tell me I better put one within the story just to be safe, so here it is.

- Nonconsensual Sexual Events(Mild)
- Harassment
- Nudity(Strong)

The triggers do not happen repeatedly, just a couple times, because the effects will make the accomplishment of healing from it, and other things, that much more impactful.

Why add the topics under Triggers?
Well you see, Neteyam has his own trauma and inner battles he has to deal with because of the brutal war his home faced that he also took part in, which could leave a permanent scar on anyone's mind, as it's done to his. Fortunately, because of his brother, and also who he calls his new ally, he has been able to manage it and heal some.

From the start, his family told him there was nothing in this warless city to fear, but he knew that wasn't the truth, especially after coming across Aonung's fear that no one else seemed to notice.

Aonung, too, has battles to face even in his war free life, that can leave scars just as bad on someone's mentality. The point of such cruel events happening, is to show just what sort of problems he faces.

But he isn't like Neteyam; Who is fully aware of his own problems and mostly knows how to deal with them. Because Aonung isn't that way, it may seem as if these things are being taken very lightly, but it's portrayed this way only because he is not aware of what it's doing to him, so he continues with his life as if it was normal.

The next chapters, which will be titled "Dark Days" & "Dark Nights", are focused around Aonung's personal war. Which Neteyam will attempt to fight with him while being kept at a distance.

Why add the subject under Warnings?
It just adds some spice to the story.
Everyone's got a body, don't be embarrassed.
It is not super graphic though, for the sake of letting imaginations roam.

There will be warnings on chapters that need it, just as a heads up. (Which is really just a few)

I hope that this explains everything and that I won't seriously trigger somebody.

On the plus side, there are a few party scenes that I will add music to. (Club Music) Not sure how you peeps feel about that but I myself enjoy it.

Just trust that everything from this point on won't be all bad and it will not be super depressing, and that it will all inevitably get much better.

If there are still concerns or questions; Ask Here.

That's all from me for now.

Sorry for the interruption.

Please go about your business, and I hope you enjoy the next chapters.


Like really . . . It makes my day.🥺

Can't even explain the amount of joy . . . 🤯

Okay I'm done. 😂


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