First Nights : Part 18

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As they ride off the main stream, and enter the park, Neteyam looks around at the many Na'vi in the water. There are some families, some couples, a few groups of friends, and some loners.

It seems a bit crowded for his training, but he doesn't have to voice the observation because Aonung is already heading towards an emptier spot.

He pulls his skimwing up to a small platform with a backless stone bench, big enough for about three people depending on size. He hops off the creature and onto the concrete, and Neteyam follows him.

Aonung- The view underwater is very serene. If you let yourself get lost in it, instead of focusing so hard on the fact that you're underwater, you'll be able to dive longer.

Neteyam- Guess you'll be counting for a while then.

Aonung- Not today. I know how long I can stay under, I'll just swim with you, and gauge how long you last.

Neteyam- Alright then, let's go.

Neteyam steps towards the edge, but Aonung stops him with a gentle hand on his shoulder.

Aonung- We have hours to do this. Remember to take your time.

Neteyam rolls his eyes at him encouraging patience again.

Neteyam- I get it. Can we go now?

Aonung shakes his head, but smiles nonetheless.

Aonung- Come on.

Aonung steps forward, letting himself fall into the water. Neteyam squats down, and slides in. They each take a breath and go under. The feeling still makes Neteyam's heartbeat quicken a bit, but not enough to cause panic.

He stills in the water for a moment, allowing himself to adjust to the feeling. Aonung waits for him, then when he's ready, he follows his instructor's lead.

Aonung swims through the water with ease, his strong tail propelling him along with the swaying movements of his body.

Neteyam doesn't swim as gracefully, since his body isn't made for water like the Metkayina. He mainly uses his arms to propel forward, and kicking his legs aids him well, but his tail doesn't help much.

As they glide along, Aonung points out different crustaceans, plants, and other things that are pleasing to the eyes. Aonung's main focus is keeping his mind off of holding his breath, which works well for a little, but Neteyam ends up needing to resurface the same time he always does.

As they sit at the surface, Aonung observes him steadying his breathing.

Neteyam- How'd I do?

Aonung- You reached your usual limit.

Neteyam- Really? Your distractions must be working.

Aonung- Yeah. Ready to go again?

Neteyam- Mhm.

They dive under, with Neteyam following behind Aonung. His distractions do work, but after diving five more times, Neteyam isn't gaining any more time. Aonung is careful not to say that though, so Neteyam won't feel the urge to start rushing.

The third time they dove, he told him he gained a few seconds, just to keep him happy, but he needs a new tactic.

As they swim in their seventh dive, Aonung is deep in thought. What could be more distracting than pretty scenery, or flashy creatures? He suddenly senses a presence next to him and snaps from his thoughts, looking to his side.

Neteyam quickly turns to face forward.

Aonung must've subconsciously slowed down, for the blue boy to end up right next to him. He quickens his pace, swimming a bit ahead. Neteyam was watching him, likely wondering why he slowed down, but that answers his question.

Aonung is his instructor, so naturally when he does something he'll have Neteyam's full attention.

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