First Days : Part 6

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Back in the boys' room, Lo'ak sits on Neteyam's bed as he emerges from the blanket.

Lo'ak- You okay?

Neteyam- Yeah.

Lo'ak observes him for a moment, and notices his more relaxed posture and proceeds with a conversation.

Lo'ak- Bro, this place is big as hell. They even have a pool room for them to still swim during the storming season.

Neteyam- Did you try it out?

Lo'ak- Nah, Aonung was rushing the tour. But there's a shallow end, if you ever wanna dip your legs in. I'll go with, if you do.

Neteyam- I'll think about it.

Lo'ak's stomach growls, earning a laugh from his brother.

Lo'ak- I wonder what's for dinner. Do you think mom will cook?

Neteyam- In someone else's kitchen? Not a chance.

Lo'ak- Man, I really wanted her steamed vegetables.

Neteyam- Maybe you can request it another day.

The sound of a high pitched bell rings through the left wing, making Neteyam look around frantically, on alert.

Lo'ak- Chill, bro, it's just the dinner bell.

Neteyam- Oh. Your stomach was right on time.

Lo'ak laughs, and both boys get out of the bed, heading out into the hallway.

Lo'ak- I bet we're having some damn fish sticks.

His comment makes Neteyam laugh, and Kiri laughs as well from behind him. Her and Tuktirey catch up to the boys.

Kiri- Don't be rude, Lo.

Lo'ak- Hey, you laughed, don't patronize me.

Tuktirey- I like fish sticks.

Neteyam- So does he.

As the teens laugh, they go down the left wing staircase, and into the entrance of the main home. Lo'ak leads them under the archway to the dining room. Their parents are sitting next to each other on one side of the long table, and Aonung and Tsireya are on the opposite side.

There are only four chairs on each side of the table. Kiri takes Tuktirey to the side with their parents and sit in the remaining two seats. Leaving either Lo'ak or Neteyam having to sit next to Aonung.

The brothers exchange a look, and Neteyam decides to sit next to Aonung, since Lo'ak had to deal with him earlier. As the boys sit down, Ronal walks out of the kitchen with Tonowari in tow, and platters of crabs in their hands.

With proud smiles, they sit the meal in the center of the table, then give plates to everyone. Tonowari then sits at one end of the table, next to Tsireya and Jake, while Ronal grabs the tongs.

Ronal- Children first. How many for Tuktirey?

Neytiri- Two.

Ronal places two crabs on the small girl's plate. After giving each of the kids theirs, she serves the parents, including herself, before sitting on the other end of the table. Leaving only a couple left on the platter. Lo'ak is awed by the pile of crabs on Tonowari's plate. The man sure can eat.

The Sully kids observe the food they've never eaten before, wondering how exactly they're supposed to get through the hard shell. Tonowari and Ronal smile in amusement as they and Jake and Neytiri watch their kids try to figure it out.

Aonung rolls his eyes, picks up a malet from the middle of the table, and smashes the shell of his boiled crab with unnecessary force. The action makes Neteyam jump, and subconsciously grab Aonung's wrist so fast he didn't see it coming, making him drop the malet.

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