First Nights : Part 25

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Across town, the chauffeurs pull into the shallow parking space just off the stream in front of the police station. Jake and Neteyam quickly hop out, running into the place. The moment they walk in, Neteyam rushes over to Lo'ak who's sitting in a waiting area alone with his head held low.

An officer goes up to Jake while Neteyam checks on his brother. His lower right leg is bandaged up, and so is his right forearm.

Neteyam- What happened?

He closely observes the bandages, trying to gauge what type of wound could be under it. When Lo'ak doesn't answer him, he kneels down attempting to meet his gaze, but he turns his head. With no luck, he turns to look at their father and the officer.

Jake- What the hell happened to him? Where's his friend?

Kyro- There was an incident involving this small group of robbers we've been having to deal with the past few years. I didn't find anyone else with him, but he happened to be in the area at the wrong time.

Jake- How'd he get hurt?

Kyro- The incident was next to this unstable building that was scheduled to be destroyed soon, but the explosion they set off brought it down. By the time I arrived it was in pieces, and I found your boy with his leg trapped under some rubble.

Jake curses to himself, rubbing his temples.

Kyro- There's no fractures or anything, just flesh wounds. He should be okay.

Jake- Alright, thank you.

He looks to his sons, beckoning them over so they can leave. As Lo'ak stands, Neteyam wraps a protective arm around him, and they follow Jake back to the raft.

The ride home is silent, since Lo'ak won't talk to them no matter how much they beg him to.

Once they're back at the mansion, Jake comes into the door heading straight to discuss things with Neytiri in the living room. Neteyam walks Lo'ak over to the left wing, and up to their room.

He closes the door, letting others know not to disturb them at the moment. Lo'ak slouches on the side of his bed as Neteyam stands in front of him, begging him to speak.

Neteyam- Lo'ak, please, say something. Are you really okay?

Neteyam pulls his bond from behind him and holds it out, but his brother doesn't take it this time.

He sighs and takes a step back, unsure of what to do with this troubled boy that won't meet his gaze.

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