First Days : Part 35

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As Neteyam walks into the kitchen, he sees the marine boy focusing on whatever is in the pot. He walks over to the stove and looks in.

Neteyam- You could've made anything you wanted, and you chose to make soup.

Aonung- Yeah.

He says so plainly, as if it's completely normal for a teen to want soup for dinner when they could have literally anything.

Neteyam- Why not something fun?

Aonung- I'm perfecting my recipe.

Neteyam watches as Aonung lifts a spoonful of the soup and tastes it.

Aonung- Hmm. Could use a little more spice. What do you think?

Before Neteyam can speak, he holds the spoon up to his mouth with a hand under it, practically making him taste it.

The many flavors mesh on his taste buds with a burst of a unique combined taste that's like a party. His eyes widen a bit and he hums in satisfaction.

Neteyam- That's good as hell.

Aonung- Yeah?

He smiles and sets the spoon down.

Aonung- Guess it's already perfect then. Sit down, I'll serve.

Neteyam notes the happy sway in Aonung's tail, thinking he must take pride in his cooking. A surprising trait he wasn't expecting.

He sits in the same spot he normally does at the table, then Aonung comes out with two bowls, each with spoons in them. He places one in front of Neteyam, then one in his spot, but doesn't yet sit down. He returns to the kitchen, then a moment later comes out with drinks.

As he finally sits down, beginning to eat, Neteyam chuckles lightly at him.

Aonung- What?

Neteyam- You just turned out to be very different from what my siblings described.

Aonung- How did they describe me?

Neteyam- Badly.

Aonung- Oh really? And what do you think of me?

Neteyam- I already told you. Potentially trustworthy.

Aonung- More like entirely trustworthy.

Neteyam- I don't know about that.

Aonung- Seriously? Do you have any idea how tight you held onto me on the ride back?

Neteyam rolls his eyes and eats a spoonful of his soup.

Aonung- Plus, I asked you to trust me before we dove, and surprise, surprise, you did.

Neteyam- Fine, I cave. I trust you, just a little bit.

Lo'ak- Guess I was right to bet on you, fish boy.

They turn and see Lo'ak walking up to them.

Neteyam- You actually woke up?

Lo'ak- Caught myself sleeping in your bed.

He walks over to Neteyam, hugging around his shoulders and resting his chin on his head. Neteyam lifts his spoon up, letting Lo'ak taste the soup. He jumps up with a satisfied hum.

Lo'ak- Damn that's good.

Neteyam- Aonung's recipe.

Lo'ak- Dude, that is some tasty shit. I'm definitely having a bowl of that tomorrow.

Neteyam- Going back to sleep already?

Lo'ak- Yeah, bro, I'm still tired. Don't take too long down here.

Neteyam- I won't.

He walks off, heading back up to their room, while Neteyam and Aonung continue to eat. They make light conversation but soon fall silent and focus on eating, since both of them are also tired.

Once they're done, Aonung lets Neteyam go on to bed while he cleans up. Then once he's finished, he goes to bed himself.

Luminous Nights [Neteyam x Aonung]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora