First Days : Part 34

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He almost immediately regrets raising his voice, but doesn't back down.

Aonung- I wanted to take him on a walk. I got us caught in a storm. And I wanted to get him that top. He needed it, he was shivering. He didn't want me to buy it but that's the one he liked. Do you understand now?

Neteyam fiddles around with the bottom of his sleeves, eyeing each parent individually and awaiting their response.

Ronal- Well, it seems he was doing as instructed. Looking after him, as he should.

Tonowari- (sighs) Do spend your money and time more wisely, from now on.

Aonung- Yes sir.

Tonowari walks off, and Ronal stands to go speak to him for a moment, before returning as he continues to their bedroom.

Ronal- Have you boys eaten?

Aonung- No.

Ronal- Aonung, go cook something for you both.

Aonung nods, and as Ronal heads off to bed with a quick goodnight, he goes straight to the kitchen. Jake moves from his spot next to Neytiri, and sits next to Neteyam.

Jake- Is that really all you guys did?

Neteyam- (nods)

Jake- Alright. How was school?

Neytiri- Lo'ak and Kiri said they had a great time.

Neteyam- It was alright, I guess.

Jake- How were the classes?

Neteyam- Textwork is easier.

Jake- Did you get in the water?

Neteyam suddenly gasps, and his face lights up as he places a hand on his father's arm.

Neteyam- I went underwater.

His parents sit for a second, wondering if they heard that right, but when Neteyam taps his arm and looks at him excitedly, they know they did.

Neteyam- I went underwater!

Jake- That's great! You must have a good teacher.

Neteyam- Not in school.

Jake- What?

Neteyam- On the way home, with Aonung. We rode on his skimwing.

The news shocks Jake. He's certainly happy to know Neteyam has warmed up to someone, but is a little surprised that it's Aonung. The two didn't seem like they'd get along.

Neytiri- I like this top, it's very nice.

Neteyam- Thanks.

Neytiri- Did Aonung really want to buy that or was he just covering for you?

Neteyam- He practically begged me to let him buy it. It was the most ridiculous thing ever.

He chuckles lightly at the memory, making Neytiri smile. She gives Jake a knowing look. He was beyond worried about Neteyam finding comfort and being happy, but he seems to be settling in just fine.

Neteyam- Is Lo'ak awake?

Jake- Not anymore, but he did try to wait for you.

As the smell of food reaches their noses, Neteyam stands from his spot.

Neteyam- I'm gonna go see what he's cooking. Goodnight.

As he walks towards the kitchen, Jake shakes his head and chuckles with Neytiri at how he just dismissed them for the night so he can talk to his friend.

The two head to their bedroom, leaving Aonung and Neteyam out alone.

Luminous Nights [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now