First Days : Part 20

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Neteyam averts his eyes, half rolling them in annoyance. Now he knows why his brother was speaking with Aonung alone.

Neteyam- Lo'ak has a big mouth.

Aonung- Honestly . . .

Neteyam feels Aonung's close presence next to him as the boy sits down. Rather than give the marine boy his undivided attention, he merely looks down as he fiddles with his hands.

Aonung-  Thinking back on the last courses, I should've seen that was it.

Neteyam- So, what? Gonna expose my weakness or something?

Aonung- Actually, I was hoping you'd let me help you out.

He looks up at Aonung, shocked, but his expression quickly turns skeptical.

Neteyam- Oh I get it. Lo'ak put you up to this, right?

Aonung- No, I-

Neteyam- Well too bad.

He stands from the table and starts walking towards the cafeteria doors with the last of the students. Aonung quickly stands and follows behind him.

Aonung- Wait.

Neteyam- Hands-on courses are over, and I'm not coming back tomorrow. You're out of luck.

Aonung- Not coming back?

Neteyam slips through a tight opening between a few students to escape, but Aonung speeds around the small group to continue following him.

Aonung- You're just giving up?

Neteyam- No.

Aonung- That's what it seems like to me.

He stops and turns around abruptly, with a snarl, and Aonung nearly walks into him.

Neteyam- I don't expect a carefree rich boy, like you, to understand me.

Aonung- Nobody will, if you always react like that.

Neteyam- Sounds fine to me.

He turns to walk off, but Aonung pulls him back by his arm and stands in front of him.

Aonung- At least let me try.

Neteyam glances down at the lingering marine hand on his arm, holding him still, then back into the eyes of its owner.

Neteyam- You had your chance already, and you failed. Just like everyone else.

Aonung- . . . But-

Neteyam- Now, not that I care about being late, but you're in my way, so step aside.

He attempts to walk off, but Aonung's grip tightens, and he looks at him with determination.

Aonung- After school.

Neteyam- Huh?

Aonung glances around, then steps closer to Neteyam and speaks just above a whisper.

Aonung- After school, meet me here, and once everyone's cleared out let me help you practice.

Neteyam- No way, that's prohibited.

Aonung- So is being late, but you don't care about that.

He thinks for a moment, then gently presses a hand against Aonung's chest, pushing him out of his personal space. The marine boy finally lets go of his arm, and observes him expectantly.

Neteyam- It won't help.

He watches Aonung's expression slowly fall, and it startles him so much, he decides to change his mind.

Neteyam- But, I guess I'll let you try anyway.

His ears perk back up, and his tail begins to sway. Neteyam tilts his head, finding the behavior interesting in a way.

Aonung- Great. Now come on, the next course is just at the end of the hall.

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