First Days : Part 11

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When they each return to the table, Lo'ak still begging for Neteyam's food, Aonung's three other friends await the details on what just happened.

Aonung sits next to Zanin, a boy with short curly hair on the top of his head and the rest shaved. He's next to Pike, a boy with hair so long and curly it's impossible to do anything with so it flows freely.

Across from them is Xenji, his eyes are such a light blue it's borderline white. Next to him Rotxo sits, and Lo'ak next to him, then Neteyam.

Neteyam begins to eat his food, with his brother holding onto his arm and shaking him a bit, hoping he'll give in. But he continues to eat as if he's not even there. Aonung gestures to the Sully boys, introducing them.

Aonung- This is Lo'ak, and Neteyam. We're stuck with them until they find friends of their own. And I'm stuck with them until they catch up.

Zanin- Damn, babysitting in school.

Xenji- So what happened?

Aonung- Haeda.

Lo'ak- That the guy I almost fought?

Aonung- More like the guy that almost creamed you.

Pike- He almost fought Haeda on his first day? I like this one.

Zanin- Only because you did the same dumb shit.

While Aonung's friends laugh, Lo'ak looks back at his brother's plate and sighs, wishing he had some food. Suddenly there's a fork with a large chunk of pancakes on it held in front of him. He flinches back, then looks at the one next to him holding the fork, Rotxo.

Zanin and Xenji look at Rotxo then glance at each other with a smirk.

Lo'ak- Uh . . .

Zanin- He's sharing with you.

Pike- Don't take it.

Xenji- Nah, take it. He's being friendly.

Pike rolls his eyes at his friends' encouragement. Neteyam watches the boys snickering for some reason, then looks at Lo'ak, who's contemplating.

Xenji- Just eat it bro, Rotxo's only friendly to a few people.

His growling stomach compels him to eat the food offered to him. He hums in satisfaction at the taste, and Rotxo's lips curl just the slightest into a small smile.

Zanin- You're his bitch now.

Xenji holds back a laugh, and Aonung elbows Zanin in the side. The boy just laughs in response, and begins to whisper things to Xenji. They continue to snicker, but Lo'ak ignores their playful sounding remarks and allows Rotxo to feed him again.

Pike, on the other hand, abruptly stands from the table and leaves before even finishing his food.

Xenji- Ooo bro don't be jealous.

The wild haired boy merely ignores the remark, and also Zanin's endless laughter.

Aonung- Okay, guys, that's enough.

After Rotxo's pancakes are all gone, Lo'ak remembers something he forgot to do.

Lo'ak- Oh yeah, I forgot to thank you for helping me out with that cocky ass douchebag. So, thanks.

Rotxo- He isn't a bad person, he just has a short fuse.

He almost smiles at how Rotxo is speaking directly to him for the first time, then he actually hears what the boy said. There's no way someone like that is actually a good person, to him.

Lo'ak- You sure about that?

Rotxo- Certain.

Lo'ak- You guys must be close.

Rotxo- He's my brother, I know him better than anyone. You can understand that, right?

He glances back at Neteyam, who is now ignoring everyone and watching the clock.

Lo'ak- Yeah, I know what you mean.

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