First Nights : Part 20

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Aonung looks up at the sky. Judging by the position of the moon, it's nearly evening. He calls for his skimwing, hoping on almost immediately once it shows.

Aonung- Come on, we can't miss dinner.

He helps Neteyam on, then heads home in silence. Upon arrival, they greet Ronal, who's just started cooking, before going to the left wing together.

Neytiri is home, but is focused on preparing her things for the move tomorrow. Hearing her move stuff around in her room makes Neteyam worry, and Aonung is quick to notice.

Aonung- Hey, we'll discuss things at dinner, you'll be fine.

Neteyam- Sure hope so.

They head up the stairs, hearing Kiri and Tuktirey talking, but not Tsireya. Aonung follows Neteyam into his room, and sits on the floor next to his bed as he plops onto it.

He's come to the room twice before, but never lingered like his sister does.

Neteyam- What are you gonna say?

Aonung- Whatever I need to, to help your case.

Neteyam- And that is?

Aonung- Depends on your approach.

Neteyam- So you're just gonna wing it?

Aonung- If that's how you see it, then yeah.

Neteyam- I might as well start packing.

Aonung- Damn, I thought you trusted me.

Neteyam- I do, but-

Aonung- Then don't doubt me, alright?

Neteyam only sighs in response, but Aonung's confidence doesn't waver despite the obvious doubt in him. Soon, the bell for dinner rings, and everyone heads to the dining room.

Neytiri, Kiri and Tuktirey were all packing, leaving out only what they need to wear tomorrow.

As dinner is served and everyone, minus Lo'ak, begins to eat, Jake can tell something is on his son's mind.

Jake- What's the matter?

Neteyam- Uh . . . Where is Lo'ak?

Neytiri- He's eating with his friend, but he'll be back before the day is out.

Neteyam- Ah . . .

Jake- I feel like that isn't all. You still worrying about the new place?

He glances at Aonung, then down to his food, before looking up at his father.

Neteyam- I was wondering if I could stay here, just for a little while. I'm not ready to leave.

Kiri stops eating, surprised he would ask such a thing. His parents exchange a look, then lock eyes with Tonowari. The man looks at his mate, passing on the silent conversation.

Ronal- If it's fine with you two, I don't mind housing him.

Neytiri- I'm not sure I like the idea of him being separated from us like that.

Neteyam- I will be fine, mother.

Neytiri- You say that now, while we're still here. But what of after we leave? What if you don't take it well?

Jake also feels the same concerns, and places an understanding hand on her back, rubbing it a bit. She usually tries to give their children the freedom they need to learn to make their own decisions, but separating her son from her is pushing it.

Aonung- He will be okay, Mrs. Sully.

They each look in his direction.

Neytiri- You don't know that.

Aonung- I do actually. I'll personally make sure he's fine.

Neytiri doesn't have any intention of letting Neteyam be separated from her and left in the hands of someone else. But Jake has noticed how much Neteyam has warmed up to the boy, and recognizes the trust.

Neytiri- I cannot do this.

Neteyam- Mother, please.

Neytiri- No.

Jake- Neytiri.

She looks at him, and the two share a silent conversation. Jake has already attempted to force the boy to accept what's happening, but he never thought he would actually ask to stay there, away from them.

It's clear to Jake that he feels safe here, so there's no harm in letting him stay until he's ready. These people are their friends after all.

Neytiri hisses shortly, not wanting to leave her child behind.

Jake- He'll be safe.

Neytiri- You don't kn-

Jake- Aonung just promised us he'd look after him.

Neytiri- That means nothing.

Neteyam- He always keeps his word, mother. You can trust him.

Aonung- I give you my word.

Neytiri- (sighs)

Ronal- Stop by whenever you like, to check on him. I'll even give you a key.

Neytiri- . . . Fine . . . Alright, you can stay.

Neteyam exhales in relief, and a small smile appears on his face.

Neteyam- Thank you.

Neytiri nods, then proceeds to eat. Neteyam and Aonung exchange a glance holding a bit of excitement because of what they accomplished. Jake smiles at the sight.

Ronal is glad Neytiri has chosen to trust them with her son, she knows it was a tough decision and won't let her regret it.

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