Dark Days : Part 11

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He knows Aonung is annoyed with him right now, but he can't help his fluttering mood. He's ecstatic. Filled with joy simply because he's able to speak with Aonung normally again. After going months with such a tense relationship, he can hardly contain himself.

Aonung, on the other hand, is entirely confused by the endless giggles coming from this boy whom he's never seen in such a mood. He's mad that he's laughing so much while he's like this, but at the same time, he finds the giggles cute.

He sighs, mentally cursing himself for being so attracted to this forest boy.

He walks back over to his bed, climbing over Neteyam, and kissing him when he looks up at him. The only method he thinks will stop the fit of laughter. But as they kiss, he remembers who he's really with, which makes him pull away again, cutting their kiss short.

He leans up and turns around, sitting on the edge of the bed with his back facing Neteyam.

Aonung- Fuck.

As soon as he allowed himself to enjoy Neteyam, reality stopped him again. It's why he cut himself off from the boy.

He knows at this point being with him in any way will feel like nothing more than a blissful dream, and when he goes back to Rotxo it's his harsh awakening.

Neteyam leans up, sliding over to him on his knees, and resting next to him with an arm around his shoulders.

Neteyam- Why do you keep doing that?

He looks down as he fiddles with his fingers, not wanting to meet Neteyam's gaze.

Aonung- Because we can't do this.

Neteyam- Can't do what?

Aonung- Be together.

Neteyam- Why not?

Aonung- I'm with Rotxo.

Neteyam- But you don't want to be.

Aonung- It's not about what I want. I can't leave him.

Neteyam- Then I'll take you away.

Aonung- Neteyam-

He adjusts himself to get off the bed, then faces Aonung, full of determination.

Neteyam- I will get you out of this. Just wait for me, and take care of yourself until then.

Aonung- You can't-

Neteyam- Promise me, right now.

He steps up to him, tilting Aonung's head up to look him in the eyes.

Neteyam- Say that you'll wait for me.

Aonung- . . . I . . . I'll wait for you.

Neteyam- And you'll take care of yourself?

He nods, and Neteyam places one last kiss on his lips, looking into his eyes once more when he pulls away.

Neteyam- Trust in your ally. I'll be back.

He lets his hands fall as he goes over to the door, stopping as he grabs the knob and turning around.

Neteyam- There's nothing I can't do, Aonung, don't forget that.

As Neteyam exits the room, closing the door behind him, Aonung chuckles to himself lightly, realizing he just accidentally encouraged Neteyam by saying they couldn't do this.

Luminous Nights [Neteyam x Aonung]Where stories live. Discover now