First Days : Part 16

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Neteyam stands up on the floor, taking trembling breaths and trying to ignore the many eyes on him. Lo'ak quickly comes out of the pool, running over to him. He rests a hand on his arm and starts checking his big brother for anything wrong.

Lo'ak- What happened? Are you okay?

Neteyam refuses to face him, and turns his head away.

Neteyam- I'm fine, just keep practicing.

He gently pushes Lo'ak aside, and heads over to the benches lined against the wall. Still worried, Lo'ak walks back over to the pool, glaring at Aonung.

Aonung- I didn't do anything.

Lo'ak- You didn't help either.

Aonung- How the fuck was I supposed to help? I don't even know what just happened.

Lo'ak ignores him and gets back into the pool, proceeding with his Ilu training. Kiri glances at Neteyam, then continues hers as well.

Once the course is over for the day, they head to their second course, Gen 1 diving. Where they're supposed to learn their breathing techniques, and also see how long they can stay underwater. Lo'ak and Kiri take to it rather well, but Neteyam refuses to even participate.

The same thing happens in their third course of the day, Gen 1 hunting. They bring in fish and other small edible creatures captured alive and keep them in a large pool for the students to catch. If they catch something, it's their lunch for the day, if not then food is still provided for them.

There are two sections. One is for the hunters, and the other is for the foragers. While Tsireya and Kiri prefer to gather plants and whatnot, Neteyam and Lo'ak are born hunters. Their instructor teaches them how to use the crossbow.

Lo'ak's aim in water needs work, but otherwise is good for his first try. Neteyam, on the other hand, gave up once aiming from above the surface failed him because it distorts the location of the fish in deeper water. Which angered Aonung greatly.

Once the third course ends, it's their lunch time. Lo'ak, Kiri, and Tsireya walk happily through the halls, seeming to not care that Neteyam hasn't made any progress.

Said boy walks behind their group, not saying a word. Aonung is fed up with it. He catches up to the other three.

Aonung- What the hell is wrong with your brother?

Kiri- There's nothing wrong with him, he just needs time.

Aonung- I don't have time! The longer he takes, the more my own progress is in danger.

Lo'ak- There's no rushing him, you'll just have to deal with it.

Aonung- (groans)

Tsireya- If you want him to make progress, help him. And I don't mean by trying to force him to go faster. Be nurturing.

Aonung- Have you met me?

Tsireya- Yes, and I know who you are. Sometimes a jerk with no manners, but in the end, kind.

Kiri- That's a joke right?

Tsireya- No, really, he is kind.

Aonung- Yeah, to you, because you're my sister.

Tsireya- Then will you do your sister a favor?

Aonung- Don't do this.

Tsireya- I'm serious. Help him out like you would help me.

Aonung- . . . Please tell me it's not because you have a crush on him.

She blushes a bit and looks to the side.

Aonung- Oh fuck me.

Someone walking by shouts out "gladly" and makes Aonung hide his face while the others laugh.

Lo'ak- Why do you have a problem with her liking Neteyam? I'd be glad if my sister finally found someone she likes.

Kiri- Good luck with that.

Lo'ak- See?

Aonung- Because she'll get mad at me every time I'm not nice to him.

Lo'ak- Aww.

Aonung- Don't.

Tsireya- So will you help him or not?

Aonung- I don't even know how. How the hell do you help someone without knowing what's wrong?

Lo'ak- Dude, I'm right here.

Aonung- We hate each other.

Lo'ak- Yeah, but if you really want to help my brother, I'll give you some tips.

Aonung- Why don't you do it?

He pauses for a moment, then grabs Aonung's arm.

Lo'ak- Come here. We'll catch you guys later. 

Lo'ak pulls Aonung off in another direction once they enter the cafeteria. Earning a confused glance from Neteyam as he continues to follow the others.

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