First Nights : Part 12

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Neteyam walks in a bit of alarm as Aonung leads in front of them confidently. Lo'ak nudges his side, knowing he likes the attention.

First thing Aonung walks up to is a soft fluffy white necklace. He picks it up and turns to hold it at Neteyam's neck. He tilts his head a bit, deciding if he likes it. Yes, him, not Neteyam.

Aonung- Lo'ak, what do you think? Matching anklet?

Lo'ak- Definitely.

Aonung reaches for a nearby shopping basket, and sits the necklace in it, then goes over to the anklets to get one to match. He grabs a few in different colors, with the same soft texture, then moves on to the tops.

Neteyam follows in silence, watching as Aonung picks out a few sleeved tops with thick neckpieces. After that, he goes over to the loincloths. He cringes as the fluffy ones, finding it displeasing, then goes over to some decent ones. He grabs mainly darker colors, throwing them into his basket.

The whole time, Lo'ak laughs silently at Neteyam's never ending shock. Lastly, Aonung goes over to the hats. He grabs one fluffy white one with a cotton ball on top, then a black one that's soft but without the extra fluff and cotton ball.

Once he looks around in the basket a bit, he decides he's done and they head to the checkout.

By the time they get through the long line, and purchase all those items, it's 11:30. Aonung carries the bags happily as they leave the place.

Neteyam- I think you went overboard.

Aonung- Well I'd rather not watch you shiver so much again.

Lo'ak- How sweet.

Neteyam pushes his brother to shut him up, but it only makes him laugh.

Aonung- Plus Lo'ak got a shit ton of stuff, so it's only fair.

Lo'ak- He has a point there.

Neteyam- You're both ridiculous.

Aonung- Yeah, but it'll be worth it when you're all happy in your new clothes. Where's that little smile and "thank you", forest boy?

Neteyam- Fuck you.

He cackles at the reaction, and Neteyam merely shakes his head while Lo'ak gives Aonung a skeptical look.

Aonung- Pretty safe to say we don't have time for another store, so to the food court we go.

Lo'ak- Yes! I'm starving!

They head up the escalator, then wait a few minutes at the mezzanine. A few moments after, the girls show up. Kiri holds both her and her sister's bags, and Tsireya has a few of her own.

When they see the amount the boys have, their eyes widen a bit.

Kiri- Damn, talk about spending out.

Aonung- Yeah, they sure can shop. These are Neteyam's.

Neteyam- I did not ask for all that.

Lo'ak- I asked for every bit of this here. Aonung is the fuckin' best.

Kiri- From "a douche" to "the fuckin' best", good job Aonung.

Tsireya- You bought all of that for them? I thought Neteyam could handle himself.

Lo'ak- Aw, Reya, don't be mad because your crush got gifts from someone else.

Neteyam plucks him in the head, making him wince.

Kiri- Be nice, Lo'ak, feelings are fragile.

Tsireya- (sighs) Forget about that, let's eat.

Lo'ak- Yes, food! Who's buying?

Neteyam- You still have all of your money, skxawng, buy your own food.

Kiri- Yeah, and get Tuk's while you're at it.

Lo'ak- Damn it. Okay, I got Tuk.

Tsireya- I-

Aonung- I'll buy Neteyam's.

Tsireya- . . . I have Kiri then. Let's go.

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