Dark Days : Part 7

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After lunch ends, everyone heads to their courses. When Aonung told Neteyam, before, that the third Gen courses were a big jump, he wasn't exaggerating. The first course is like the one in Gen 2; Ilu racing, but in a longer pool to practice endurance rather than sprints.

Course 2 is Diving but in the ocean course. There's a building that goes underwater, with a hall made of glass that runs around the large obstacle course.

Course 3 is Hunting, but outside in the ocean, rather than in a pool. The Gen 3 students are taken to a spot just outside the city to practice hunting like Jake does, hunting large amounts with many groups of a bunch of others each day to provide for the entire city.

It isn't a job they're required to do once they graduate, but it's a skill they need to have for the sake of survival, in case they ever find themselves in a hard spot and have to catch their food rather than buy it from a store.

As Neteyam greets the skimwing he uses in this class, he looks around, seeing that Aonung is absent and has probably gone home. Suddenly his view is obstructed by nearwhite eyes.

Xenji- Neteyam, you gotta check on him after school.

Neteyam immediately rolls his eyes and turns to face his skimwing.

Neteyam- What happened to not getting involved?

Xenji- I've never seen him react this way. The nurse said he was starved and stressed-

Neteyam- I don't care.

Xenji- Yes you do, I know you do, which is why I'm asking you to check on him.

Neteyam- No.

Xenji- He needs you, please just, I don't know, hug him or something. Don't let him give up on himself.

Neteyam- You do it then.

Xenji- It's not the same.

He sighs and faces Xenji, seeing the pleading look on his face.

Neteyam- Fine.

Once the school day is over, Neytiri returns to the front of the campus, with Tuktirey already in the raft. The teens board, and they immediately head for home.

As they pull up in front of their house, they see Jake's skimwing already swimming in the waters, showing he's home early. They get onto the sidewalk and go up to the porch. Neytiri lets them in, then goes to greet Jake.

Kiri and Tuktirey go into the den to relax while their mother gets started on dinner. Before Jake goes off to do his own thing, his sons stop him and pull him into the living room to talk. As Neteyam makes him sit down on the couch, Lo'ak stands clutching the magazine to his chest and bouncing slightly.

He looks between the two wondering what it is they want this time. Neteyam stands next to Lo'ak and faces him with his arms crossed, waiting for his brother to fail.

Lo'ak- There's this dance coming up, in a few weeks, and we gotta look hot as shit, so can we have more allowance to buy cool stuff?

Jake- You know your mother doesn't think you should blow your money on things you're only gonna use once.

Lo'ak- But we need a limousine.

Jake- You want a limo? Hell no, you'd be dead broke just getting a chauffeur.

Lo'ak pouts for a moment, while Neteyam gives him the "I told you so" face. But then an idea comes to him.

Lo'ak- Well, bro, I guess that girl will just stay out of your league.

Jake- Girl?

He turns slowly, as if he's about to walk away.

Lo'ak- And I won't get to be the best wingman ever.

Jake- Wait a second, wait a second.

He stops and looks back to his father, who stands from his seat.

Jake- Neteyam actually likes someone?

Lo'ak- Yeah. But this girl definitely isn't gonna look his way with us dressing like we always do.

Jake glances behind himself, back towards the kitchen to see if his mate is paying them any attention. She's completely zoned in on her task, so he turns back around, and pulls out his own card.

Jake- Here, get what you need, but try not to spend all of it, that's my personal money.

Lo'ak reaches for the card, but Neteyam takes it and puts it in his pouch. There's no way he's letting the irresponsible shopper be in charge of the money.

Neteyam- Thanks.

Jake- No problem. A little tip, wearing shades makes you look twice as cool.

Lo'ak's face lights up and he starts bouncing in excitement. Jake laughs, and Neteyam starts worrying for their father's balance.

Lo'ak- Bro, we're gonna look so fuckin' good. Wait, what color are you wearing? What color am I wearing? Neteyam!

Neteyam- Go look in the book for ideas or something. Mark what you like. Go on. Shoo.

Lo'ak- Sir yes sir!

Both Jake and Neteyam chuckle as Lo'ak runs upstairs.

Jake- Was there something else you needed?

Neteyam- Yeah. Can I go visit Aonung, after dinner?

Jake- You sure? Kiri told me you two weren't getting along.

Neteyam- Uh, I wanna make things right.

His father smiles, then pats his head a bit.

Jake- Sure, don't stay too long.

Neteyam- I won't. Thanks.

Luminous Nights [Neteyam x Aonung]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ