First Days : Part 23

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The remainder of the school day's hours soon end, and students begin to exit the campus. Tsireya meets Kiri and Lo'ak for their ride home, but Aonung and Neteyam have yet to show up.

They decide to wait for the two, and their chauffeurs prep their ride. But even once the last of the students begin to clear out, the two boys never arrive. Waiting any longer would have them on campus in prohibited hours.

Tsireya looks around the emptying campus.

Tsireya- Maybe they walked.

Kiri- Why would Neteyam decide to walk with Aonung instead of riding with us?

Lo'ak remembers the discussion he had with Aonung at lunch. Perhaps this is his way of attempting to bond with his brother. Though, he would've preferred a heads up.

Lo'ak- Maybe he's had it with water today.

Kiri- Hmm, yeah, maybe you're right.

Tsireya tells the chauffeurs they won't be waiting any longer, and the two take the kids on the highway back home. Inside, many instructors and other school staff are still working, preparing to close the school for the day.

Within a stall of the boys cafeteria bathroom, Aonung and Neteyam wait quietly for all staff to head home. The cafeteria is always the first to be cleaned and ready for closing, since the lunch room staff have time to clean during the last two courses of the day.

There's no one other than them around, but the cafeteria has an archway entrance instead of doors, so staying hidden in the bathroom is the best way to ensure they aren't caught.

Neteyam stands on one side of the small stall with his arms crossed. On the other side stands Aonung. He cracks the stall door open, peeking out to see the clock on the wall near the entrance, then closes it and leans against the wall.

Neteyam- How long do we have to stay hidden?

Aonung- Until 6:00, that's when they close the school.

Neteyam- I have to wait in here for 3 hours?

Aonung- Yeah, I'm not that happy about it either.

He points to the braided front of his hair.

Aonung- This is tight as hell. I was planning to take it out.

Neteyam- Why wear it that way if you don't like it?

Aonung- Keeps my hair out the way.

Neteyam hums in response, and Aonung observes the boy's long braids.

Aonung- What about you? Ever thought of letting your hair out?

Neteyam- No, I prefer it this way.

Aonung- Ah. You aren't so bad, when you actually talk to me.

Neteyam- We'll be trapped in here for hours, I hardly have a choice.

Aonung- So you don't want to talk to me?

Neteyam- I assumed you wouldn't want to talk to me, seeing as how I'm a freak and all.

Aonung remembers their first night dining with the Sullys, and his ears lay just the slightest.

Aonung- Sorry, I wasn't trying to be rude.

Neteyam- Did you think that was a compliment?

Aonung- No, no, I just . . . You freaked me out when you grabbed my arm like that.

Neteyam begins to think, wondering if he senses Aonung's fear of him or something else.

Neteyam- So I scared you.

Aonung- Uh, essentially, yeah.

Neteyam- Then, I'll try not to, from now on.

Aonung- Did I just earn your consideration?

Neteyam- Earn? I just think you're potentially trustworthy, that's all.

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