Dark Nights : Part 15

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Then, a figure enters the water, swimming down and grabbing onto Neteyam's body. A skimwing swims up to them and the figure grabs onto it, allowing it to lead them to a safer place from underneath the busy stream.

When concrete comes into view, the figure climbs onto the skimwing with Neteyam placed in front of them.

They resurface right near a sidewalk and Neteyam's savior quickly pulls him onto land, lying him on his back. Without wasting a moment, Siercí places her hands over his chest and attempts to pump some life back into him.

Siercí­- Come on, kid, come on.

When he suddenly coughs up a load of water, she sighs with relief.

Siercí­- That's it, get some air.

After ridding his lungs of water, he begins to breathe weakly, still feeling lingering pain. His heavy eyes open and take in his blurry surroundings. When he zones in on the figure hovering over him, his vision focuses a bit, and the moment he recognizes her face, he grabs the knife he borrowed. But no sooner than he holds it out, attempting to lean up, it slips out of his weak grip. He reaches for it again, but can barely hold it.

Siercí­- Hey, take it easy, I'm not gonna hurt ya.

Neteyam- I-(coughs)

She gently pushes him back to lie down, and his barely conscious self just lets her.

Siercí­- They got Haeda, alright, I knocked his ass off his ride. So just lay here, help is on the way.

He stares up at her in a daze as she grabs the knife and slides it back into the pouch he pulled it from.

Neteyam- Why . . . ?

Siercí­- Why help?

She stands up and looks down at him.

Siercí­- 'Cause you're cute. Plus, I've always hated my family, especially my bro-

Suddenly she's tackled to the ground by an officer and dragged off in cuffs.

Officer Kyro runs over to Neteyam and checks him, with his partner, Charlie, right at his side. He lightly taps his face to get a reaction, and Neteyam's eyes reopen and look at him, but as he speaks to the boy it's like he isn't hearing a thing he's saying.

Kyro- It's no use, he's completely out of it.

Charlie- W-What're we gonna do, Sir?

He lifts Neteyam into his arms and stands, then starts fast-walking down the sidewalk looking for their raft with his partner right next to him.

Kyro- I know who to contact. Let's just get him to a medic.

Charlie- He doesn't look so good, Sir.

Kyro- I can see that, Charlie.

Charlie- But, Sir-

Kyro- Didn't I tell you to stop calling me that?

Charlie- Sorry, Kyro, Sir.

Kyro- Oh my-

Charlie- Sorry again, Sir! I mean-

Kyro- Just go prep the skimwings, Charlie!

Charlie- Yes Sir!

His partner runs over to their raft that they've finally located. He goes up to it and lies Neteyam down gently, then takes a seat next to him. As Charlie sits waiting for an opening in the stream, Kyro loses his patience.

Kyro- Charlie, what the hell are you doing?!

Charlie- Waiting for a-

Kyro- This is an emergency! Get on that stream!

Charlie- Y-Yes, Sir!

The skimwings take off, pushing their way into traffic.

Kyro- And turn on the damn sirens!

Charlie- I'm so sorry, Sir!

Kyro- Just do it!

Charlie- Yes, Sir!

The sirens go off as they begin to speed through the stream.

Kyro- Fucking hell, I can't stand newbies.

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