Dark Nights : Part 13

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Just after midnight, Neteyam rides down the private property of Rotxo's family, alone. He steps onto the sidewalk and goes up to their front doors. Keeping a calm appearance, he knocks a few times, then waits. The thought that they're probably asleep crosses his mind, and he thinks maybe he should knock louder, but to his surprise, the doors open after just a short moment.

A girl with an interesting hairstyle faces him, then smirks after looking him up and down.

Siercí­- Hey, cutie. Here for my brother?

Neteyam- (nods)

She steps aside, letting him in, then closes the doors.

Siercí­- Rotxo! Or Haeda! Whoever the hell!

Her yelling catches him off guard, since she spoke softly to him just a moment ago. Then the sound of someone on the stairs draws his attention. Rotxo's figure appears as he comes down the steps, smirking as he notices who's here.

Siercí­- This your new boyfriend or something?

Rotxo- No, it's Aonung's new boyfriend.

Siercí­- Ha. I can see why he dumped you, among other things.

He glares at her and she simply laughs at herself while heading over to the couch. After rolling his eyes at his sister, he gives Neteyam his undivided attention.

Rotxo- So, guppy, what brings you to my abode so late?

Neteyam- You crossed the line.

Rotxo- Did I?

He looks up as if he's thinking of anything he could've possibly done wrong.

Rotxo- Oh, did you find out about Haeda's little bit of fun?

Neteyam- (snarls)

Rotxo- Hey, newsflash. He started that long before I got involved.

Neteyam- What?

Rotxo- Oh wait, was he keeping that from you? That's so like him. But forget that. How's Aonung's ass?

Siercí­- (looks at Rotxo) What did you guys do?

Rotxo- Haeda fucked Aonung and now the guppy is mad. Apparently that's "crossing the line".

The smirk on his face makes Neteyam's blood boil, but he remains calm.

Neteyam- No, you crossed the line when you messed with my brother, but Aonung got to you before I did, so your midget ass was protected.

Rotxo- (scoffs) Like I think you're any threat after I saw you bawling your eyes out like some fuckin' baby.

He ignores Rotxo's words that are, to him, irrelevant.

Neteyam- Fortunately, for me, there's no one here to protect you now.

Rotxo- I don't need any protection from you.

Neteyam- Oh really? Well I hope you're ready to fight like a soldier.

Rotxo- You can't beat me.

Neteyam smirks lightly at him, and while Rotxo stands unaffected, it gives his sister chills.

Neteyam- I was hoping you'd say that.

Siercí stands from the couch, sensing something off.

Siercí­- Rotxo, I don't think he's playing with you.

Rotxo- Don't get so worked up, he can't do anything to me.

Neteyam- Is that what you think?

He takes a playful tone, similar to the one Rotxo teased him with.

Rotxo- Yeah, that's exactly what I think. Care to prove me wrong?

Siercí­- Rotxo-

Neteyam- I'd love to.

He pulls a pair of earmuffs from his pouch and puts them on, greatly confusing Rotxo and his sister, then pulls out a comlink and holds it up to his mouth.

Neteyam- Start the party.

After those three words, he presses his hands against the fluffy muffs over his ears and the windows downstairs suddenly shatter with many officers breaking through and running inside.

Rotxo- Holy shit.

Siercí­- Run for it!

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