Dark Nights : Part 24

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Once he reaches home, he goes up to the door and lets himself in. It's late, but everyone aside from his baby sister seems to still be up. As he closes the door behind him, Lo'ak suddenly jumps off the couch and runs over to him, engulfing him in a tight hug.

Kiri- Neteyam the mighty graduate is home!

Neteyam chuckles at the title, then sees his parents come out with a large wrapped box with a bow on top.

Jake- Lo'ak, let him go so he can open his gift.

Lo'ak- I picked it out, just so you know.

Lo'ak releases him and pulls him over to the living room, making him sit on the couch.

Neteyam- Did you really pick it out, or are you taking credit?

Jake- Neytiri and I chose what to get, Lo'ak picked one out, and Tuk wrapped it with Kiri's help.

Neteyam- Should I ask who bought it?

Jake- You're lucky I love you.

He laughs, and Jake sets the box on his lap, then the sound of feet on the stairs make them each turn their head and see Tuktirey running over to them.

Neytiri- I thought you were sleeping.

Tuktirey- I can't miss Neteyam opening his gift.

They each chuckle, and Neytiri rubs the girl's head as Neteyam begins to unwrap the box. Once the paper is off, there's a box with a print that has Ilu in the ocean on it. He lifts the top off, finding another box inside with Skimwings in the ocean as the print. He stops and looks up at Kiri.

Neteyam- This was your doing wasn't it?

Kiri- You're welcome.

They each laugh, knowing Kiri loves giving gifts with many layers. She once gave him a box within a box within a box within a bag for his birthday, and all it held was an armband and a necklace. It seemed to really crack her up too.

He lifts the second box out of the other and Jake sets the outer one aside. When he opens this box, half expecting to find another one, he is pleasantly surprised. His mouth drops a bit as he lifts up the new sleek looking saddle for his skimwing.

It's his favorite deep purple, lined in a shiny black, has larger pockets, and looks a lot more comfortable than the cheap saddle the school gave him. He's pretty shocked his brother managed to choose something that wasn't over the top.

Neteyam- Bro, did you really pick this out?

Lo'ak- Yeah! Is that so hard to believe?

Kiri- Yes. That's why he asked, Lo.

Lo'ak- Okay, okay, I may have gotten some help from mom.

Kiri- I knew it!

Neteyam- (laughs) Well all of you have my thanks.

He continues observing his new saddle with a smile on his face.

Neteyam- I'm definitely putting this on him in the morning.

Lo'ak- What're you gonna do now? Besides leave me to fend for myself in school.

Neteyam- You'll be fine, skxawng. And the first thing I'm gonna do is sleep in.

They each laugh, then Tuktirey yawns.

Tuktirey- Speaking of sleep, I'm going back to bed.

Neteyam- (chuckles) Goodnight, Tuk.

Tuktirey- Night night.

She makes her way back up the stairs with another yawn. Not too long after, the rest of the house turns in as well, and Neteyam sleeps peacefully, leaving the thoughts of his future for another time.

Meanwhile, at his boyfriend's family abode, Aonung is soaking in bubbles, simply for the sake of relaxation since he showered beforehand. When he got home, he greeted his happy family, and found that his mother made many good desserts. He received two gifts, one from each of his parents since they apparently had different opinions on what to give him.

His father got him a raft, saying it will allow him to let his lover ride in luxury when they go out together, rather than just on the back of his skimwing.

His mother got him a large plain paged book, saying it's for writing his recipes and all their details in, rather than having them be crammed into the little notepad he's been keeping them in.

He likes both of his gifts, but would be lying to himself if he said he didn't like his mother's more. They had just a few snacks together, letting baby Rain taste some of his cupcake's frosting, then swam in the pool a bit as a family.

It all made him very happy, and distracted him from the annoying thing that's now back on his mind as he's trying to wind down before bed. A memory that sparks a feeling. One he had successfully gotten rid of, and isn't appreciating it trying to return.

With a frustrated sigh, he ends his bubble bath and gets out to dry himself. He goes over to the counter, grabbing a hand towel to use on his hair. As he dries it, he stops to view himself the mirror. He lets the partially wet curls fall freely, framing his face, then holds them up as if they were in a bun, observing the way it makes him look. The thought to cut it comes to mind.

He sighs once again, still wishing he took more after his father, then finishes drying his hair. Once he's completely done and ready for bed, he plops onto the soft blanket, feeling too hot to sleep under it.

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