Dark Nights : Part 23

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Once the event is over, they each say their goodbyes and the many graduates begin to head home. With so many people trying to leave at once, and traffic being back to normal instead of blocked off for them, there's more than just a line to get onto the stream.

Rather than try to leave now, like some of their friends, Aonung and Neteyam hang back near the entrance, watching the chaotic scene.

Neteyam turns and smiles at his lover, thinking of how much fun they had, but mainly being satisfied by finally being able to assert himself some. It felt natural to him. He reaches his arm out and pulls Aonung into a hug by his waist, making him jump a bit, since he was deep in thought.

The startled behavior makes him chuckle softly before releasing him and pulling his arm back.

Neteyam- I really like the way you dance, by the way.

Aonung- Do you have to bring it up?

Neteyam- No need to get shy about it, it was kind of a turn on.

Aonung- Let's just not, with this, okay.

Neteyam- You think I'm gonna pretend that didn't happen?

Neteyam continues with a light tone, smiling, and thinking Aonung is simply being shy at the moment.

Aonung- Just don't mention it . . . Why did you make me dance with him?

Neteyam- I just wanted to see you have fun too.

Aonung- I could've had fun with just you.

Neteyam- Not like that you couldn't, you would've never just let me do that.

Aonung- So that's what this is about.

Aonung's suddenly angered voice makes his smile fade, and he senses that fear again.

Aonung- I noticed sometimes you start acting like you just wanna pin me down, trying to take control like half the fuckers I've come across, but here's my little fun fact; I'm nobody's bitch, so you can just forget it.

His eyes widen a bit, taken aback by the accusation. Aonung knows him better than this, so why would he suddenly think such a thing?

Neteyam- Aonung, you know I don't mean it that way, I would never disrespect you like that. Where is this coming from?

Aonung- Whatever. Just don't mention anything about this evening.

Neteyam- What? You enjoyed yourself, you don't want to talk about it?

Aonung- No.

Neteyam- (scoffs) Is this your pride talking again? What did I say about reputation?

Aonung- Neteyam, seriously-

Neteyam- What is it you're so afraid of?

Aonung- Neteyam! . . . Just stop.

He silences the topic, not wanting to press his buttons any more than he already has, but it still makes him worry, since the marine boy seems to have a habit of hiding things from him.

Aonung starts putting his hair back into a bun, making him frown.

Neteyam- Don't put my curls away.

Aonung- I prefer it up, you know that.

Neteyam- I thought you liked it out.

Aonung- I like the braids out, but I still want my bun.

Neteyam- Fuck your bun.

He reaches to pull the bun out himself, but Aonung grabs his wrist and pushes his arm away.

Aonung- Leave my hair alone.

Neteyam- What's wrong with you?

Aonung- Nothing. I just want you to leave my hair the way it is.

Aonung looks out at the continuing chaos, looking a little annoyed.

Neteyam- You know I can tell when something is really bothering you underneath. Your surface can't shield that from me.

Aonung- I'm fine.

Neteyam- Yeah, you were, but not anymore, and I want to know why. Is it what your friends mentioned?

Aonung- Can you just drop it?

Neteyam- Why won't you tell me? Don't you tru-

Yar- Hey, you two.

Yar suddenly comes in between them from behind, pulling them both in for a hug.

Yar- I thought you were a part of the chaos out there.

After letting his arms drop, he squeezes Aonung's side a bit, earning a snarl from him, which startles Neteyam, who's unaware of what caused it. Yar quickly pulls his hand back with a smirk, now not at all shamed by subtly flirting with someone who's already taken.

Yar- No need to be so protective, I thought we were cool now.

Aonung- I fuckin' hate you, keep your hands to yourself.

Yar- Damn, alright then.

He moves himself to the other side of Neteyam, picking up on Aonung's foul mood.

Neteyam- Aonung, I-

Aonung- I see an opening, I'm gonna take it.

He leans over to place a kiss on Neteyam's lips before jogging off.

Neteyam- Later.

Neteyam watches him run over to the stream, feeling a little concerned about the way he's acting.

A while later, things on the highway finally settle down and Neteyam is able to make his way home. He takes his time on the stream now, ever since his skimwing was hurt because of his reckless riding.

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