Dark Days : Part 13

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When the next morning arrives, the Sullys go through their usual routine before heading to school. Neteyam seems to be in a better mood, and it doesn't go unnoticed. Lo'ak has a mind to think it has everything to do with his visit with Aonung last night, but Kiri is left still clueless.

They don't run into Tsireya outside, but Kiri meets up with her once they enter the cafeteria. The girls are already sitting at the table, and Faygo is in line.

Kiri sits next to Tsireya, but immediately notices how deep in thought she is, not even acknowledging her when she sat down. She glances at Lapis and Viprín, but the two just shrug, having no clue what's up.

Kiri- Reya?

She blinks, snapping back into reality.

Tsireya- Oh, hey.

Kiri- What's wrong?

Tsireya- Nothing.

Kiri- Don't lie. Is it your brother again? Is he doing alright?

Tsireya- Oh he's fine now.

Kiri- Okay, but is he still the problem?

She nods, and as Faygo joins them at the table, she sighs.

Tsireya- Don't tell anyone about this, understand?

Faygo- Um, what did I just walk into?

Kiri- Just go with it and keep your mouth shut.

Faygo- Yes ma'am.

The girls lean in intently, and Tsireya speaks a bit lower.

Tsireya- Last night, Neteyam came by, and I saw him kiss Aonung.

Kiri's eyes nearly pop out of her head, hardly believing a word that just came out of her friend's mouth.

Lapis- Holy shit.

Viprín- But everyone knows he's with Rotxo.

Kiri- Are you sure?

Tsireya- I'm telling you, that was the most passionate kiss I've ever seen.

Lapis- Damn.

Viprín- Mmm, forbidden fruit.

Lapis- Can't really blame Neteyam, though, I'd do it too.

Viprín- Agreed, Aonung is a 10.

Lapis- Too bad you have to be a boy to get his attention.

Viprín- I'd rather have him date guys than some random girl who doesn't deserve him.

Lapis- You know what, you're right. If it's not us, it can't be any of those bitches.

Tsireya- Okay, I get it, you think he's attractive. Now stop.

Lapis- Don't tell me you're blind to your own brother's beauty, you should be proud.

Tsireya- He just has our mother's face, okay, I'm not gonna simp over it. 

Kiri suddenly comes to a realization. Once Rotxo's and Aonung's relationship became obvious to everyone, Neteyam stopped talking to him, and had a bit of a temper sometimes, but has been abnormally happy this morning. But still, not everything makes sense.

Kiri- Something isn't adding up.

Tsireya- I know what you mean. Thinking back on things, it should've been obvious to me that Aonung liked him, and still does.

Kiri- Then why is he with Rotxo?

Tsireya- That's the part I can't figure out.

Lapis- Sometimes guys are just dumb like that, don't worry about it.

Faygo- Okay, I tried to stay quiet, but you have to know guys don't always do stupid shit just to be doing stupid shit.

Lapis- I beg to differ.

Faygo- Listen, if he's still dating Rotxo after this long, even though he likes someone else that much, then there's gotta be something more to it.

Kiri- Like what?

Faygo- A third factor. I can't say what that might be though, since I don't know either of them. Maybe split feelings?

Tsireya thinks for a moment, then looks directly at Kiri.

Tsireya- Maybe ask Neteyam.

Kiri- Even if he does know, he'll never tell. Which also means Lo'ak won't either, if he knows anything, and he probably does.

Tsireya- Then what'll we do?

Kiri- The only thing we can; Wait for the shit to go down.

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