First Days : Part 17

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Aonung and Lo'ak go into a line, getting their food, since neither of them caught anything. Though Aonung never actually tried because he was too busy being angered by Neteyam.

Once they're out, they sit at a smaller table against the wall, for privacy. Aonung pushes his plate forward a bit, and leans his arms on the table.

Aonung- So? Why won't you do it?

Lo'ak- I tried a million times, before we got here, and it never worked.

Aonung- What?

Lo'ak- He hates the water.

Aonung- Why?

Lo'ak- If I knew that, I'd be able to help him myself.

He blinks for a moment, realizing he asked a dumb question.

Aonung- (sighs) Why are you even telling me this?

Lo'ak- Not only did you ask, but you want to help him right?

Aonung- No. You just assumed that. I never said I wanted to help, Tsireya just wants me to.

Lo'ak- You agreed to do it.

Aonung- Yeah, but not because I give a shit about his problems. I just want him to hurry up and learn this before it affects me.

He leans back and crosses his arms, earning a look of slight disappointment form Lo'ak.

Lo'ak- Selfish douche.

Aonung- Exactly. And the way you're telling me this makes it sound like you're counting on me to figure this out for you.

Lo'ak- I kind of am.

Aonung- Why?

Lo'ak- Because none of us, his family, could do anything about it.

Aonung- What makes you think there's something I can do about it when you can't even fix the issue.

Lo'ak- Sometimes it takes a stranger to see things differently. So, I'm willing to bet on this one.

The marine boy lets those surprisingly wise words settle in, but quickly stops himself from attempting to genuinely care about their situation.

Aonung- Tsireya would've been a better choice.

Lo'ak- Hell no, she makes him uncomfortable.

Aonung- What? Why?

Lo'ak- Because she stares at him. He hates that. But I couldn't say that in front of her, I think her crush is cute.

Aonung- Of course you do.

Lo'ak- You'll be glad to know, though, she doesn't have a chance with him.

Aonung- While that is relief to my ears, why the hell not?

Lo'ak- He won't date people, doesn't trust anyone enough to open up like that.

Aonung- . . . Is that why . . . Nevermind.

Lo'ak- Why what? Don't be afraid to ask.

Aonung- No. I don't care.

Lo'ak- . . . Kinda seemed like you did-

Aonung- I don't!

He slams a fist into the table, making Lo'ak jump, and a few students look their way. Including Pike, who's walking nearby.

Aonung- I'll figure this shit out, not for you, but for me. Hopefully before the week is over. And you better do your part too.

Lo'ak- What part?

Aonung- Finding your own home and getting out of my damn house.

Lo'ak- Dude, we just got there. And what's your problem all of a sudden?

Aonung- I don't have a problem!

Lo'ak- Okay! Calm down, alright?

Aonung- Don't tell me to fucking calm down.

Lo'ak- What is your deal? I thought we just bonded a little.

Aonung- Well you thought wrong.

The marine boy abruptly stands from the table with a huff, and walks off, leaving his plate of food. Lo'ak is left in utter confusion. He was sure he saw a change in Aonung for just a moment. An opening in his exterior. But suddenly it erupted, and vanished just as quickly as it showed up

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