Dark Days : Part 2

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As the kids finish up their food in a bit of a rush, Neytiri ushers them out the door, closing and locking it behind them. It's chilly out, but the cold season is close to its end, with warm days ahead.

They head right out to the raft attached to two Ilu positioned one behind the other. Neytiri gets on the one in front, connecting their bonds, then looking back to make sure everyone is secure before taking off.

They live in a pretty neighborhood, in a decent sized two story house. Three bedrooms, three bathrooms, the standard living room, and kitchen. There isn't a dining room but the kitchen is large, plus they have a big den that the kids use as their own hang out space. They filled it with beanbags and pillows, and have a TV set up with a game console.

They'll often watch movies together on weekends. The Metkayinan movies are different from their own, but entertaining. Luckily, their parents brought plenty of the best Omatikayan movies with them when they first came here, so they can still enjoy what's familiar.

As Neytiri pulls up to the front of campus, along with many other people, the teens quickly hop off the raft. As they say their goodbyes, she waves and pulls off. Before they head to the entrance, they notice Tsireya and her brother getting off their raft. Aonung typically takes himself to school these days, but seems to have changed his mind today.

Tsireya turns and waves as soon as she notices them. She glances back at her brother, saying something inaudible, before running over to them as he continues on by himself. She greets Kiri with a hug, and smiles at Lo'ak and Neteyam.

Her smile fades just a bit when she looks at Neteyam, then glances over to her brother's distant figure again.

Kiri- What's the matter?

Tsireya- My brother.

Kiri- Is he still being a jerk for no reason again?

Tsireya- Well . . .

Kiri- Ugh, seriously? If having a boyfriend makes him like this then maybe he shouldn't have one.

Neteyam feels his anger rise just a bit, but reminds himself that his sister isn't aware of the real situation, and intends to keep things that way. The last thing he needs is her getting hurt because he dragged her into it.

Tsireya- It's not that, at least I don't think it's that . . . Lately he hasn't be-

Neteyam- Wonderful, let's go.

He speaks dryly, ending their conversation as they enter the building.

Kiri and Tsireya exchange a look. Both of them have noticed the distance between their brothers, but since the topic makes Neteyam snappy, they don't bother asking what caused it. Kiri just assumes he didn't want to put up with the way Aonung's been acting since it became obvious to everyone that he's dating Rotxo again.

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