Dark Days : Part 25

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His son descends the stairs with Aonung coming cautiously behind him. Jake points to the couch for them to sit, as he rests himself on the arm of the one across from it.

As they sit side by side, Neytiri stands next to Jake, waiting to see what her son has gotten himself into. Jake notes the obvious nervous behavior of the marine boy. The excessive sighs, grasping his hands together or running them along his face, and the overall low mood.

Jake- One of you better explain the extra amount of shit that's going on tonight.

Neytiri- Be calm, Jake. Can you not see how upset Aonung is?

Jake- I'm tryin' to help him, but he refuses to let me.

Neytiri- Dear-

Jake- And Neteyam is the last one I expected to end up in some trouble.

Neytiri- Ma'Jake.

The angered man hisses a bit, but attempts to calm himself.

Jake- Fine. We'll start with Neteyam. What happened at the dance?

Neteyam- Uh . . .

He begins to fidget, not wanting to practically say he disobeyed his father's every word.

Neteyam- I went, with a friend, to this room in the back-

Jake- Doing what?

Neytiri- What teenagers do. You don't have to make him say it.

He lowers his head a bit, avoiding Jake's scowl directed at him.

Neteyam- There was this loud noise. I think something fell . . .

Jake- So where's this friend that was with you?

Aonung- I took Neteyam to his siblings and left that guy there.

Jake- So you took care of him.

Aonung- Yes sir.

Neytiri- Thank you.

Jake- Alright, we cleared that up. So what's goin' on with Rotxo? That was him, right? The same kid Lo'ak was hanging with before that incident.

Aonung- Yeah, that's him.

Jake- Does he do the same shit he does to you to anyone else?

Aonung- Um . . .

Jake- Was that what Lo'ak was doing with him? Neteyam?

He finally looks up, meeting Jake's frustrated gaze.

Neteyam- No sir.

Neytiri- What was it he did to Aonung?

Jake- Apparently he's forceful.

Neytiri- Are they together?

Jake- Yeah, but I'm starting to think the girl Lo'ak said Neteyam liked is actually this boy sitting right here.

His mother looks at him in surprise.

Neytiri- So this is the reason you hid him for.

Jake- The only reason Neteyam is in any of that is because he's choosing to be a side piece.

Neytiri- Jake! Do not degrade him like that.

Jake- It's the truth. He may not be a good one, but that's who he's with, not Neteyam.

Neytiri- Stop that.

Jake- Lucky for him, now I can tell the authorities.

Jake stands, heading straight for the phone, and Neteyam quickly jumps up, grabbing his arm and holding him back.

Neteyam- No!

He looks back at his son in disbelief.

Jake- Don't you want him to get help?

Neteyam- Yes, but . . . not that help.

Jake- Too bad, that's what he's getting.

Aonung- I swear I'll deny everything.

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