Dark Days : Part 3

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As they approach the cafeteria, the Sullys walk in and sit in their usual places. Since their mother makes them breakfast at home, they don't need to eat until lunch.

Kiri sits at her and Tsireya's usual table while she waits for the girl and a few others to go through the line. Suddenly, a figure sits next to her. She turns and immediately knows who it is once she sees the one dark blue eye.

Faygo has become a good friend to her, but she isn't oblivious to the fact that he only spoke to her first because he was crushing. She was very flattered, but wanted him to see past her looks so she ignored him until he spoke, and she offered friendship as if she couldn't recognize his feelings.

She assumed they would fade, but it's like the more she ignores them, the stronger they get. Tsireya has told her of the times he'd go to her in class asking what she thinks of him. The answer is always the same, she thinks he's a good friend. But she knows better than to take his feelings for granted, so she's considering making her own move on him to decide how she actually feels.

He's very friendly, and more in touch with his feminine side than the guys that whistle at her or make remarks that they think are cool but she just finds annoying. She's noticed that he doesn't seem to have many guy friends, probably because girls seem to gravitate towards him and he enjoys their company.

No doubt half of the females find him attractive and would gladly date him, but he always politely declines saying he won't give up on the one he wants. That's reason enough for Kiri to like him, but before she officially decides that, she'll test the waters.

Faygo- Hey, how'd your weekend go?

Kiri- The same, really, but I did watch that movie you recommended.

Faygo- What'd you think?

Kiri- It was overwhelmingly sweet, kinda like you actually.

His cheeks begin to turn a pinkish hue and he smiles with a small chuckle.

Faygo- So you think I'm too sweet?

Kiri- Yeah, but I don't mind it. It's better than being one of those guys that just slaps a girl's ass and doesn't expect to get hit.

He laughs, and Tsireya and her two friends return and sit with them.

Lapis- What're you lovebirds laughing about?

A girl Kiri's height with straightened hair smirks at the two.

Kiri- Don't start with that.

Viprín- A better topic, who's going to the E.O.S dance?

A girl with short curly hair and a soft voice speaks.

Kiri- The what?

Tsireya- End of season dance. They have one every year at the end of the cold season.

Lapis- It's the biggest event of the year, girl.

Viprín- You two should totally go together . . . as friends, since you're in denial.

Kiri- Or, he could just be my date.

They each freeze, looking at Kiri as if she just said something unbelievable.

Kiri- What?

Faygo- Are you for real or just teasing me again?

Kiri- I'm serious. I want you to go as my date, I think you've earned that much.

He smiles widely, flashing his teeth and making Kiri laugh.

Lapis- (squeals) Finally!

Viprín- I wish I could get a date that easily.

Kiri- You can, but you hate all the guys that like you.

Viprín- They're all so nice and would literally give me whatever I want, but I'd rather have someone that makes me work for it.

Kiri- You're a strange girl.

Virprín- Hey, I enjoy a good chase. Kind of like Faygo.

She and Faygo high-five to her statement, making Kiri shake her head.

Tsireya- I wanted to ask Neteyam, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't like me. At all.

Kiri- Don't feel down about it, he never likes anyone.

Tsireya- Seriously?

Kiri- Yup, never in his life. He's the opposite of Lo'ak.

Lapis- Speaking of Lo'ak, can you put in a good word for me?

Kiri- Ew, you wanna be Lo'ak's date?

Lapis- Yeah, he's cute.

Kiri- He's just a big baby. Don't you want someone more mature than that?

Lapis- Clearly not. I like the needy ones, it makes me feel important.

Kiri- You don't have any brothers, huh.

Lapis- Nope.

Kiri- Thought so.

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