First Nights : Part 29

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A little under half an hour later, Aonung leaves Rotxo's home to return to his own. As he rides, he internally curses himself out, for many reasons. So many reasons, in fact, it's almost overwhelming thinking about them.

He so deeply didn't want to have to do what he just did, he could honestly cry about it. But refrains, because one thing he doesn't regret is assuring Lo'ak's safety.

When he returns home, he lets himself inside with his key, and looks around. No one else is downstairs, and the lights are out.

He steps in, closing the door gently, being glad that his parents aren't right there fussing at him for going out so late. He doesn't think he could face it without breaking down.

He strolls into the left wing and upstairs to see if the Sully boys are still awake. Their door is closed, but the light is on, so he knocks gently. It opens, revealing Neteyam behind it.

He steps in as Neteyam stands off to the side, noticing that Lo'ak is looking better.

Aonung- Feeling alright?

Lo'ak- Yeah. Even though Neteyam is abandoning me.

His brother crosses his arms and rolls his eyes at how dramatic he is.

Neteyam- I'm not abandoning you.

Lo'ak- That's not the way I see it. You're lucky I'm okay with Aonung, or I would definitely be staying with you.

Neteyam- Yeah right, mother would never let you do that.

Lo'ak- Don't make me try it just to prove you wrong.

He shakes his head, dismissing the topic, then looks to Aonung.

Neteyam- So, about Rotxo . . .

Aonung- He won't be bothering Lo'ak again. But just for precaution . . .

Aonung looks directly at Lo'ak.

Aonung- Don't interact with him, or Haeda.

Lo'ak- You're sure we're good now?

Aonung- Certain. I handled things.

Lo'ak- Okay. Thanks, really.

Aonung- No problem.

Aonung turns and leaves before Neteyam can say anything. He momentarily glances at Lo'ak, who gestures for him to follow, so he does.

In the hall, he stops the marine boy just before reaching the stairs. He grabs his arm, making him turn around, then speaks just above a whisper.

Neteyam- How exactly did you handle things?

Aonung- Don't worry about it.

He tries to walk away again, but Neteyam yanks him back.

Neteyam- Aonung, what did you do?

It's obvious Aonung is trying to hide something, but rather than wonder what he's hiding, Neteyam is more concerned about why.

The marine boy sighs, and looks at him with what appears to be a tired expression, but Neteyam knows pain when he sees it.

Neteyam- What's wrong?

Aonung- Nothing. Your brother is safe.

Neteyam- I'm not worried about my brother right now, I'm worried about you.

Aonung feels a pain tug at his chest. Guilt is already beginning to eat him up.

Neteyam- Aonung, what happened?

He sighs, gently removing Neteyam's hand from his arm and holding it in his own.

Aonung- Listen . . . I'm tired, okay. Let's discuss this another time.

Neteyam is reluctant to agree, half feeling like Aonung will put it off again later, but decides to let it be for now. It is late after all.

He nods, and Aonung lifts a hand up to his face, and leans in to kiss him softly. Then, as they part, he runs his thumb across his hand a bit.

Aonung- Goodnight.

He lets go, and turns to descend the stairs.

Neteyam- Night.

He's glad to receive another kiss, but something else is distracting him. He can't help but wonder why Aonung's "Goodnight" sounded more like a "Goodbye".

Someone else wouldn't have caught it, but nothing escapes Neteyam's perception.

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