Return From Dorne

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[King's Landing - Blackwater Bay]

Hearing of the impending arrival of Myrcella and company, Tommen, Cersei, and Aelinor (with Aegar), stood on the Blackwater Bay, watching the ships in the distance.

Cersei had left Gregor, or "Robert", in the Keep upon hearing news of one of Oberyn's daughters travelling to fill his seat on the Small Council. She couldn't risk them finding out she had sent them a false skull. At least, not yet.

They watched multiple ships pass, none were carrying Myrcella.

Finally one of the ships began heading in their direction.

"Tat's her!" Tommen exclaimed, causing Aelinor to smile.

With his wife imprisoned, Tommen had very few reasons to smile. But, his sister's return was certainly one of them.

They all waited eagerly as the ship neared.

Once it had docked, Tommen and Aelinor were keeping an eye out for their sister.

First came their Uncle (or in Tommen's case, father), followed quickly by Bronn. A few soldiers also departed the vessel.

After watching multiple people leave the ship, a head of blonde hair came into sight.

It was Myrcella, followed by whom Aelinor could only assume was her betrothed, as well as two other women.

Like those before them, they departed the ship, making their way to the waiting party.

Now closer, Aelinor noticed one of the woman had olive skin and dark hair, while the other, a Septa, had fair skin, blonde hair peeking out of her hood and blue eyes.

She allowed Tommen to hug her first before pulling her into a tight hug.

"Welcome back, sister. I'm sorry to hear about your ear."

"No matter. It no longer hurts as much." She peered down at the babe wrapped around her sister's chest. "Is that my nephew?"

Aelinor leaned forward, so she could peak at him. "Yes, it is. His name's Aegar."

Aegar lifted his head to look at his aunt.

"Oh, he's beautiful."

"Thank you, sweet sister."

Myrcella turned and gestured for a young man to step forward. "This is Prince Trystane, my betrothed."

Aelinor held a hand out for him to shake, which he did. "Welcome Prince Trystane. I hope you enjoy your time here in the birthplace of your betrothed."

"I do as well."

Aelinor noticed the second young woman, obviously Dornish from her olive complexion. "And who is this?"

"Lady Nymeria, daughter of..."

"The Red Viper himself," Aelinor interjected. "You know, I told your father I hoped to meet you and your sisters. But, I didn't think it would be under these circumstances."

"Nor did I," the young woman stepped closer.

"How is he? Any improvement?"

"Some. He remains unconscious."

"I'm sorry to hear that. But I am glad to hear of his improvement."

"Thank you Princess."

"Please, call me Aelinor."

She noticed Myrcella looking around. "Who are you looking for Cella?"

"Where is Ser Loras?"

Aelinor turned to their mother. "Yes, mother. Where is Loras?"

"Your sibling's spouse's have committed crimes against the faith and are now being tried accordingly."

Aelinor scoffed. "As will you."

Sensing the tension, Jaime spoke up. "I have fulfilled my obligation here in King's Landing. But, Bronn and I should really be going."

"Where are you going, Uncle?" Aelinor asked.

"I have been asked to return to Riverrun to reclaim the castle from the Blackfish in honour of King Tommen."

"It wasn't enough to murder members of their family at a wedding. Now, you mean to seize the castle that has rightfully belonged to their family for generations." She gritted her teeth. "If your father wasn't already dead, I would surely murder him right now."

It was Tommen who spoke next. "It was the High Sparrow's idea. He believes allowing the Tully's to remain in Riverrun would make me appear weak."

"It is their rightful home. If anything will make you look weak, it is attacking a family who your own family has already caused so much pain and suffering to. Do you wish to be another Joffrey?"


"I didn't think so.

"I just thought, if I did this, maybe it would help Margaery."

"I love you brother. You've only been king for a short time, yet you're already a million times better than our brother. But, this High Sparrow is trying to form a wedge in this family. He has arrested your wife and my husband, as well as our mother. What's to stop him from coming after the rest of us?" She turned to Myrcella, Trystane and Nymeria. "I apologize, but I must take my leave. Perhaps we can continue this conversation soon."

"Of course," Trystane said, Myrcella and Nymeria nodding.

With that, Aelinor left, still fuming, followed by Ser Fowler.

She wasn't dumb. She could see clearly what the High Sparrow was doing.

He was using her mother's tactics against her; isolating her from any potential allies, most notably Jaime, a renowned warrior.

Without Jaime by her side, it would leave her mother more vulnerable, and likely from his perspective, easier to deal with.

Aelinor was livid, not only from the decision of the High Sparrow to send her Uncle away, but at her mother for not listening to her when she told her how this would end.

Instead, she backed herself into a corner that would prove nearly impossible to dig herself out of. Not to mention, the danger it placed the children she cared so much about in. Including her preemptive strikes against the Tyrells, her only remaining ally.

Now she would be forced to face trial for crimes, some of which Aelinor knew she was guilty of and others she suspected.

With the arrival of Trystane and Nymeria, there was no doubt in her mind, her mother's paranoia would only grow.

When Aelinor expressed her wish to visit Dorne, her mom was extremely hesitant, even more given Oberyn's near demise at the hands of his sister and nephew's killer.

But, now, they had two members of the Martell family in King's Landing.

There was no telling how it would play out.

To the best of her knowledge, they weren't actively seeking vengeance. They had Myrcella in their homeland. If they wanted to harm her, they could done so before Jaime arrived to retrieve her.

But, they didn't. Which meant one of two things.

They were biding their time and planning something, or they did not hold them responsible for what happened to Oberyn.

After all, as far as they knew, Gregor Clegane was dead, meaning everyone responsible for the deaths of Elia and her children were dead. Vengeance had been exacted.

But, someone of Gregor or "Robert"'s stature could only be concealed for a short time.

No doubt this would infuriate Nymeria as well as the rest of Dorne.

They may appear meek and peaceful. But, in truth, they remained true to their houses representative animal, a viper. Biding their time in the long grass, allowing their opponents to underestimate them, striking when they were at their weakest.

Dorne's intentions were unknown, but the truth alwys comes out, one way or another. 

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