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[King's Landing - Red Keep, Gardens]

Myrcella and Trystane were wandering among the gardens as they often did in Dorne.

Her family had been very busy and she had not seen much of them, which made her wonder why they asked her back in the first place.

Nymeria was a short distance away, watching for any threats.

The young woman was furious, and felt spited. The main reason she had journeyed to the Capital was to fulfill her father's seat on the Small Council, per the orders of her uncle.

Yet, she had not been been made aware of any of them until after they had happened. It was dismissed as nothing more than discussion on how to proceed with the High Sparrow and freeing the Queen and her brother; neither of which they believed warranted her attention. The Queen was freed now, but her brother remained imprisoned.

All of a sudden, she noticed what appeared to be a maid running towards them. But, Nymeria was still on high alert. After all, she knew best, the most unassuming were often the most dangerous, much like her younger sister, Tyene.

"Halt!" She commanded.

"Excuse me, m'lady. I have urgent news for the Princess."

"It is okay, Nymeria. I know her." Myrcella responded. "Come, Anne."

Anne cautiously walked past Nymeria, who followed after her.

"I'm afraid it is about your sister."

"Aelinor? What happened? Is she sick? Is the baby-"

"Your sister and her child have their health. But, I regret to inform you, she has been arrested by the High Septon."

"On what charges?"



"No one can find him. It is believed the Princess had him smuggled out of the Capital."

"Dear Gods," Myrcella muttered.

"I'm sure your sister will be fine. From what you've told me, she is strong. She will not let them break her."

Myrcella nodded. He was right. Aelinor was quite possibly one of, if not the strongest people she knew. She would not let herself be bested by someone who posed a threat to her and her son.

[Great Sept Of Baelor - Prayer Room]

Margaery stood reading from the Book of the Seven. Her crown once again rested on her head. The High Sparrow entered.

"Your Grace. What are we reading today?"

"The Book of the Mother, Your Holiness. Chapter three, verse twelve."

"Ah, "As water rounds the stones, smoothing-"

"Smoothing what was jagged, so does a woman's love calm a man's brute nature. A wife salves her husband's wounds, a mother sings her son to sleep."

"You learn quickly. There are some who know every verse of the sacred text, but don't have a drop of the Mother's mercy in their blood and savages who can't read at all who understand the Father's wisdom."

"For years I pretended to love the poor, the afflicted. I had pity for them, but I nevr loved them, not like Aelinor. They disgusted me."

"They are hard to love."

The High Sparrow sat down on a bench. "The poor disgust us because they are us, shorn of our illusions. They show us what we'd look like without our fine clothes. How'd we smell without perfume." He sighed. "Can I ask you about a personal matter?"

"Of course." Margaery joined the High Sparrow on the bench.

"The king mentioned that since your reunion, you haven't joined him in the marriage bed."


"You have a duty, Your Grace. To your husband, your king, your country, to the gods themselves."

"It's just...the desires that once drove me no longer do."

"Congress does not require desire on the woman's part, only patience. The king must have an heir if we are to continue our good work. If not, the throne will fall to Princess Aelinor's son."

"Forgive me. Sometimes the truth path is hard to find."

"Hard to find and harder still to walk upon. But you've made great progress. I only pray your grandmother follows your lead." The High Sparrow stood.

"My grandmother?"

"Yes. The Queen of Thorns is a remarkable woman, a strong woman, and an unrepentant sinner. You must teach her the new way as she taught you the old. Or I fear for her safety, body and soul."

[King's Landing - Red Keep, Olenna's Chambers]

Margaery and Olenna were sitting at a table. Septa Unella stood several feet away, watching them.

"Does it move or talk? I want to speak with you alone." Olenna asked.

"Septa Unella has been my true friend and counselor."

Olenna stood. "Oh, this is madness!"

She took Margaery's hand and led her out onto the balcony to a different table.

Septa Unella followed them out and Margaery sat at the table.

"You're not in your sanctuary now, my dear. All I have to do is whistle and my men will stroll in here and bash you about..." Olenna told the septa.


"...until I tell them to stop. If I tell them to stop. You could use a good bashing."

"Grandmother, please."

Olenna sat across from Margaery. "What have they done to you?"

"You mqrched against the High Sparrow, against the Faith."

"We mqrched for you."

"The gods could have punished you and Father, but they didn't. They showed mercy."

"And what about your brother? What mercy did they show him?"

"Loras's only hope is to confess his crimes and repent. If he does, the Faith will allow him to return to Highgarden. He'll have to renounce his name and title..."

"Have you lost your mind?"

"...and live his life as a penitent."

"He is the heir to Highgarden, the futire of House Tyrell."

"He can begin again."

"As a mindless fanatic."

"As a free man. And he has a son."

"Yes, and both of his parents are imprisoned. He is nowhere to be found. You will leave for Highgarden today. There is no law that says you must stay here."

Margaery stood. "I am the queen. It is my duty to serve my husband the king." She walked around the table and knelt before her grandmother, her back to Septa Unella. "But you should leave, Grandmother. Your place is at home."

"I will nevr leave you. Nevr."

"You must." Margaery slipped a piece of paper into Olenna's hand. "Go home. Find comfort in prayer and good works." She stood. "The Mother watches over us all."

Olenna rose. "I'll see you soon, my dear."

Margaery and Olenna embraced, Margaery closing her eyes and then stepping back.

"Seven blessings to you, Grandmother."

Olenna nodded and walked back into her chamber, Septa Unella smirking as she did.

Margaery stifled her tears. Regaining her composure, she turned to face Septa Unella. "Shall we pray?"

Olenna walks out onto the balcony and shuts the door behind her. She looks around and then unfolds the piece of paper MARGAERY placed in her hand and looks at it. There was a drawing of a rose on it, causing her to look up and smile. Her granddaughter was still in there somewhere.

Not long after her granddaughter and that wench had left, Olenna sat at a table, writing when Cersei entered with her bodyguard in tow.

"I heard you were leaving King's Landing." Cersei commented.

"That is hardly your concern."

"Your grandson is still a prisoner. You'll leave him rotting in a cell?"

"Loras rots in a cell because of you. THe High Sparrow rules this city because of you. Our two ancient houses face collapse because of you and your stupidity."

"You're right. I made a terrible mistake. I carry it with me evety single day."


"I delivered an army of fanatics onto our doorstep. And now we must fight them together. We need each other."

"I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met. At a certain age, it's hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years. Do you remember the way you smirked at me when my grandson and granddaughter were dragged off to their cells? I do. I'll nevr forget it."

"You love your granddaughter. I love my son. It's the only truth I know. We must defend them."

"I'm leaving this wretched city as fast as I can before that shoeless zealot throws me into one of his cells. If you're half as bright as you think you are, you'll find your way out of here, too."

"Nevr. I'll nevr leave my son."

"What'll you do, then? You have no support. Not anymore. Your brother's gone. The High Sparrow saw to that. Your eldest daughter sits in a cell, while your younger parades around court with her Dornish Prince. The rest of your family have abandoned you. The people despise you. You're surrounded by enemies, thousands of them. You're going to kill them all by yourself? You've lost, Cersei. It's the only joy I can find in all this misery. It's a shame about your daughter though. I actually grew somewhat fond of her." She returned to her writing and Cersei turned walking away.

It was true. All of her remaining children were in the Capital, yet she was slowly losing them all. Myrcella to Trystane and both Tommen and Aelinor to the High Sparrow.

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