Chapter 6 The fox demon is causing trouble

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The woman's skin was like cream, and Qiangzi couldn't put it down, so he had her in the chicken coop until dawn, but it was strange that the woman left as soon as the chicken crowed, and Qiangzi couldn't keep her.

Qiangzi thought he had gotten a big deal. After being single for so many years, he met a beautiful woman, and he felt very happy. Unexpectedly, Zhao Tiezhu, who lives next door, found him the next day and asked quietly: "Qiangzi, are you possessed by evil spirits?"

Qiangzi looked confused and didn't know what Zhao Tiezhu meant by asking.

Zhao Tiezhu quickly explained that when he got up to pee in the middle of the night last night, he suddenly saw Qiangzi touching and hugging the air...

Zhao Tiezhu felt extremely weird. Qiangzi still looked like he was enjoying himself. Isn't this something he's possessed by?

Although there were Xu Xian and White Snake, Ning Caichen and Xiao Qian in ancient times, it is quite scary for this kind of thing to happen in reality, and the village is often plagued by foxes. Those foxes are very evil and can kill people at every turn.

Zhao Tiezhu originally wanted to wake up Qiangzi and save his life, but the fox suddenly tilted his head and glared at Zhao Tiezhu, his eyes were extremely fierce, and his eyes were a permeating scarlet color. Zhao Tiezhu was frightened, and he quickly crawled back. Go to sleep. Compared with meddling in other people's business, life is more important. Fortunately, nothing happened to Qiangzi, so Zhao Tiezhu told Qiangzi exactly what happened.

After Qiangzi heard this, he was also very surprised. He was obviously with a woman last night, so why did he turn into a fox? However, Zhao Tiezhu had no reason to lie to himself. This matter was indeed a bit evil.

On the second night, Qiangzi didn't even dare to go out, and he didn't bother to guard the chicken. His life was at stake.

But at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, there was a strange knock on the door, bang bang bang, which scared Qiangzi so much that his legs were shaking.

He didn't dare to make a sound, he got out of bed tremblingly, then quietly came to the door, opened a crack with his hand and looked out.

When Qiangzi looked up, he saw no one. When he looked down, he saw a fox crouching by the door. The fox seemed to have seen Qiangzi, and actually grinned, so charming that he almost killed Qiangzi. The soul was frightened and flew away.

Qiangzi slammed the door and closed the door firmly. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, knowing that he had fallen into the trap of a fox demon.

But just as he turned around, he suddenly saw a woman with a fox face standing behind him, smiling strangely at him.

"Fox... fox demon!" Qiangzi screamed in fright, and his whole body trembled.

But after the fox demon blew a puff of white smoke at him, he froze, and then walked towards the fox demon in a daze.

Every night after that, the fox demon would come at midnight, almost torturing Qiangzi to death, and would not leave until the rooster crows.

If this goes on for a long time, even the iron man cannot bear it, and Qiangzi heard from the old people in the village that the vixen will absorb the man's essence and use it to practice, until the man becomes a human being.

Qiangzi felt something bad, knowing that he would burp sooner or later if he continued like this, but the fox was so evil that Qiangzi couldn't deal with it at all, so Qiangzi thought of the copper coins and address left by his grandma before, and finally came to his door.

After listening to Qiangzi's words, I narrowed my eyes and asked him if he had ever harmed a fox?

The fox is one of the wild immortals, with evil nature, but it is not harmful to everyone, especially those who have a moral character. If they receive retribution, they will lose their moral character for a hundred years.

Qiangzi thought for a moment, then shook his head, and said that he had never harmed a fox, and he didn't dare to do it. After all, there were quite a lot of evil things about foxes in the village. He had been exposed to it since he was a child, so naturally he didn't dare to offend the wild fairy.

I frowned. This was strange. Could it be that evil foxes really harm people?

I asked Qiangzi's horoscope, and then gave him a hexagram, and the hexagram showed that it was the hexagram of Tianhuo Tongren, with the ninth day of the lunar month changing.

This is an auspicious hexagram, and it is a good thing that a good match is given by God and is a superior hexagram.

What exactly is going on? Could it be this fox demon...I seem to have guessed something.

I told Qiangzi not to panic for the time being, and bought a ticket to go to him that day. However, Qiangzi had to reimburse the round-trip ticket, and I was already very poor.

After arriving at Qiangzi's house, I set up an ambush that night and told Qiangzi not to be afraid. If the fox demon dared to come, just open the door and invite him in. I would naturally have a way to deal with it.

Although Qiangzi was a little scared, he still nodded and agreed.

After midnight, as expected, there was a rapid knock on the door. Qiangzi said that the fox demon could come in without opening the door, but he was still polite every time. If Qiangzi didn't obey, the end would be tragic. So how could Qiangzi not open the door?

With me here this time, Qiangzi became much more courageous. He opened the door as soon as the door rang, but the fox demon didn't come in. He just scolded Qiangzi outside the door, saying that one night and a hundred days of kindness between husband and wife, how could he find someone? Someone to deal with it?

Qiangzi was trembling with fear and didn't dare to say a word. The fox demon probably smelled someone else in the house and found me. In this case, he didn't hide away and showed up directly!

After seeing the fox demon, I also took a deep breath. It was not as good as Qiangzi said. Instead, it had a fox-faced body. It looked a bit oozing. I guess Qiangzi had fallen under her spell, so What I just saw was a beautiful woman.

"Demon fox, why are you pestering Qiangzi?" I asked loudly after appearing.

"What does it have to do with you? Get out!

The fox demon had a bad temper and yelled at me directly. Now that things have come to a point, I can only surrender to it.

"Longing the way of heaven, transforming the two rituals, generating yin and yang, turning the universe, and killing demon souls."

I twisted the spell in my hand and spoke like a lotus flower. As soon as the spell came out, a yellow talisman hit the fox demon's heavenly cap.

The fox demon was suppressed by my exorcism spell, and his body was a little sluggish. He couldn't dodge in time, and the yellow talisman exploded on its heavenly spirit cover like a violent thunder. With a bang, the fox demon screamed, and it appeared in human form, and then Lying on the ground with his mouth full of blood.

"Little... little master, you are so powerful. You killed this fox demon with one blow!" Qiangzi's fear just disappeared. My strength gave him a huge sense of security.

But at this time, the fox demon refused to admit defeat and roared in the sky, a wave of evil energy rippled out, and then attracted even more evil energy.

In an instant, a lot of demonic energy surged over, like waves, and then there was the sound of gongs and drums, and a strange red sedan walked steadily towards the Qiangzi Gate.

In front of the sedan, there were four big men with fox faces beating gongs and drums. They each had a fox tail behind them, and they were covered in fox fur, which looked a bit weird.

"Little master...there are a lot of demons and fox demons coming!" Qiangzi pointed at them fearfully and said.

I told him not to be afraid. As long as I am here, no monsters will be affected. It's just that there are a lot of fox monsters here this time. I heard Qiangzi say before that this small mountain village is full of foxes and is prone to fox disasters. It seems that they have become spirits. There are quite a few.

"Hmph, you're done. The Fox Fairy Queen is here to make the decision for me." The fox demon on the ground snorted coldly, his tone much louder.

"Huh? Fox Fairy? If you say that, someone might be angry!" I sneered. You may know what a real Fox Fairy is later.

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