Chapter 24 Snake King

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This guy held a grudge, and his wife's betrayal made him resentful. A few months later, his wife died, bleeding from all seven holes. Her death was horrible, and her belly was bulging. After the forensic doctor cut open her belly, they found that it was full of snakes. The snakes ate away at the intestines and internal organs. After the belly was opened, all the snakes crawled out and ran away.

Tang Ding was arrested and imprisoned for a period of time because of this incident, but he was later released without evidence. However, anyone who knows anything knows that Tang Ding used the secret technique of controlling snakes to kill his wife.

That's not all. The fate of Lao Wang was not much better. Tang Ding used cruel and inhumane methods to retaliate, saying that this was the fate of seducing a wife. However, Lao Wang did not die. He survived with "a disabled body and a strong mind." But he probably would never dare to have sex with a married woman again. This lesson would stick with him forever, and the tragic death of Lao Wang's wife also cast a shadow on him, making him full of fear for Tang Ding.

Although Tang Ding's life is full of strange colors, he has no grievances against the Chen family. With his ability, it is not difficult to see that the snake has become a spirit and is also pregnant. As a professional snake catcher , he would not do such a stupid thing unless he did it intentionally and clearly wanted to harm the Chen family.

As a wealthy man, Mr. Chen is not afraid of Tang Ding. He sent several people to catch him before he could explain the matter to me. However, Tang Ding failed to catch him. The people who came back were all poisoned by snake venom. Tang Ding also asked these people to take him back. He said something, saying that if the Chen family only has these rubbish, don't bother him, otherwise, Mr. Chen will be the next to die! There are not many people in this city who can really deal with him. This time, I will give him a small punishment. Whoever comes next time will die, otherwise he will take Mr. Chen's surname.

After listening to Tang Ding's words, a slanted smile appeared on my lips. This man is interesting. I have to go and meet him for a while.

After asking for the address, I went there alone. Tang Ding's residence was very remote. It was in a remote suburb. It was already dark when I arrived, but his house was really nice, with a large yard and an antique courtyard house inside. This is an ancient house. Such buildings are rare in this era. It looks like a wealthy person.

As soon as I arrived in front of the door, I heard a hissing sound, which was the sound of a snake spitting out snake seeds. The strange thing is that I couldn't see any snakes, but a cold feeling came from the yard. Every time I approached the door, I heard a hissing sound. Half a step, and the snake's voice will increase for a while.

Snake catching is a profession that has been continued for hundreds of years. A truly powerful snake catcher can not only catch snakes, but also train snakes and various secret techniques. In ancient times, powerful snake catchers did not dare to offend the government, otherwise they would Death from the inexplicable Shekou is almost impossible to prevent.

"Junior Su Yang is here to pay his respects. Please come out and meet me, senior."

No matter what, it is always good to be polite before fighting. If you don't understand the rules, you will not follow the rules. But if he refuses to obey, I can also fight with him. I have the birthmark of Qilin. On the day I was born, all living things worshiped me. This snake will not hurt me. , plus my thousand-year Feng Shui master professional heritage is not afraid of your hundreds of years as a snake catcher.

"What's the matter?" A voice came out from the yard, but no one could be seen. The voice was sharp and small, which reminded me of a snake.

"The Chen family has no enmity against you, so why did you harm them? Snakes are not edible, so why don't you know that your senior is killing people?" I slowly stated my purpose.

"The dog sent by the Chen family? Get out of here, otherwise I won't be polite. Don't seek death." Tang Ding really didn't have anything nice to say, so he just spoke rudely.

I snorted coldly and said, "Senior, if you want to kill me, you can try, but the Chen family's matter must be settled today."

"Looking for death!" Tang Ding whistled, and countless hisses suddenly sounded. One after another snakes crawled out of the dark night, some were big and some were small, and the colors were different. There were many kinds of snakes, spitting out snake letters, and menacingly. They surrounded me, and within a minute, there were hundreds of snakes around me, sticking their heads out and looking at me fiercely.

"Boy, I miss you because you are young. It's too late for you to leave now, otherwise I will feed you to snakes tonight." Tang Ding said.

"No need!" I shouted, lowered my head and looked at the snakes with bright eyes. After a while, all the snakes raised their heads and even started to be afraid. I walked forward and they consciously gave way to me. I kicked the door with my foot, and with a bang, the door fell down. Hundreds of snakes gradually became afraid to get close. I strode into the yard.

"How is that possible? These snakes don't dare to touch you! Who are you?" Tang Ding was extremely shocked and spoke in an exaggerated tone.

"I said, my name is Su Yang. Since senior doesn't want to come out to meet me, I will go in." After I walked into the yard, I found that there were still many snakes, but they did not dare to come close to me, and they all disappeared like a tide. , but I still haven't seen Tang Ding.

He has raised so many snakes, and he deserves to be called the Snake King. If he had not done enough, he would have been killed by the snake mouth here, but he did not expect to meet me, the son of Qilin.

The Qilin comes to the world and is worshiped by all living things. These snakes have no intention of hurting me and do not dare to hurt me. I have the luck of the Qilin. Unless they become a spirit and become a demon, they will not dare to harm me.

"Boy, I have something, but I can't reveal anything about Mr. Chen. Don't force me again." Tang Ding's voice came from nowhere, urgent and full of murderous intent.

"Senior, if you don't say it tonight, you have to say it. I won't let you go." I said firmly.

"Hmph, that's such a loud tone, then come in if you have the guts." Tang Ding said coldly, and then the door creaked, as if it was pushed open by a ghost, and opened strangely by itself. There was no one behind the door, and it was dark. The room was extremely eerie, as if there was a monster waiting for me.

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