Chapter 26 Beheading the Corpse

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If I rush back at the current distance, Chen Ling will definitely not be able to survive by that time. Mr. Chen has been possessed by the evil spirit. Doesn't that mean he will give his daughter to...

The weirdest thing is that Chen Ling has clearly called the police, but the police haven't come yet. So what tricks did the housekeeper use?

Also, how can I save this tragedy?

At this moment, I thought of a way, so I quickly asked: "What are you wearing today?"

Chen Ling on the other end of the phone was obviously stunned. She didn't know what I meant. At this time, I actually asked about the color of my clothes?

"Tell me, is it red?" I urged.

"Well, yes, this year is my birth year." At my urging, Chen Ling replied reluctantly.

"That's good. Remember, put your red pants over your head so that the possessed person can't see you." I warned, hoping that this would delay some time.

Chen Ling seemed speechless.

But I didn't lie to Chen Ling. This is an old trick. People who are possessed by evil spirits have bad luck. Red pants are both festive and can ward off evil spirits.

At this time, there was a sudden creak on the other end of the phone, as if the door was opened, Chen Ling screamed, followed by the sound of clothes being torn, and then the phone was disconnected.

I know something is going to happen, but I can't go back now. The housekeeper doesn't know what kind of hatred he has against the Chen family, so he wants to take revenge in this way. Once he succeeds, Chen Ling will definitely not survive in the future. Girls go through this kind of thing. Things are bound to commit suicide!

At this moment, I remembered the bearded man. He had given me a business card with his phone number and name on it. His name was Qiu Sheng.

I quickly dialed the phone, and after Qiu Sheng answered the call, I told him the whole story, hoping that he could go to the Chen family to rescue me. Also, be sure to be careful about the housekeeper, he was the murderer, and he was extremely moral.

Qiu Sheng promised repeatedly and said he would go immediately, and then hung up the phone.

Without further ado, I couldn't delay any more. I left Tang Ding's yard and hurriedly took a taxi back to Chen's house.

While on the road, I called Qiu Sheng several times, but no one answered. I had no choice but to ask the driver to drive faster.

I didn't care about that anymore, so I asked the driver to speed up and go straight to Chen's house. The housekeeper was very good and had to be dealt with by our Feng Shui masters. It was almost three o'clock in the morning when I returned to Chen's house.

After arriving at the Chen's house, I felt the gloomy energy as soon as I got out of the car. The whole Chen's house was covered with dark clouds, there was a gloomy wind, and there were so many ghosts in the villa that I felt chills on my back.

There was no light at all in the Chen family compound. It was completely dark. It seemed like there was deathly silence inside, as if there was no living person.

The door to the courtyard was locked, so I jumped in. At this time, there was a man squatting in the corner, covered in blood, and his clothes and pants were stained red.

I took a closer look and found that it was Qiu Sheng. He was holding a peach wood sword, but it was half broken. There was a blood-stained yellow talisman in his left hand, which was shaking slightly.

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