Chapter 15 The corpse

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The strange behavior of the female corpse made me a little shocked, and then I frowned and shouted: "Bold monster, what do you want to do?"

The female corpse had no expression. Her corpse was not rotten. She stood in front of me like a beauty. But I am not Pan Lei. This kind of scene would only make me feel weird and horrifying, and the female corpse's posing did not make me have any reaction. .

The female corpse looked at me and actually said: "Aren't you men all greedy for my body? I was like this when I was alive, and I am like this when I am dead. You are just despicable. I will satisfy you today, but don't meddle in your own business!"

I was a little surprised that this female corpse had become a spirit and could still speak. After killing three people, her evil nature and hostility were indeed aggravated.

"Oh, it turns out you want to bribe me, but what if I don't agree?" I snorted coldly.

When the female corpse heard this, her face immediately became ferocious, her facial features were even a little distorted, and she looked extremely scary. Her beauty just now turned into horror. She said I still have some abilities, but don't be ungrateful. Besides, it's Pan Lei. She was offended first, no wonder she was filled with resentment and went on a killing spree. Even if I wanted to intervene, would I be able to protect him for the rest of his life? If I forcefully interfere with cause and effect, my life will be shortened if I can't guarantee it.

The female corpse acted both softly and hard, and what she said was very reasonable. It was indeed Pan Lei who was at fault first. She was not at fault for taking revenge. A living person broke the rules of the dead. If he made a mistake, he would naturally be punished. Otherwise, where is the justice of nature?

I smiled and said I agreed with what you said, but... Pan Lei made a mistake. You killed three unrelated people in a row. They were innocent. How should this account be settled? Even if Pan Lei is at fault, you cannot act evil and kill innocent people indiscriminately just to vent your anger.

The female corpse was speechless when she spoke to me. She suddenly became furious and shouted: "It's none of your business. Get out of here, or I'll kill you too."

I saw the female corpse with her hands open and swinging weirdly like a spider. A corpse breath overflowed, and the stench was extremely bad. Her resentment was very heavy, almost filling the entire room, making people very depressed, and the evil wind became stronger and stronger. , the blowing made the doors and windows swing and crackle.

"Monster, if you continue to be stubborn, I won't be polite!"

As soon as I finished speaking, I took out a yellow talisman and hit the female corpse with lightning speed.

The female corpse quickly escaped like a spider, and then hung upside down on the roof in a weird posture. It kept swinging and screamed at me fiercely. The voice was very sharp and made people's scalp numb, as if there was something there. It's like cutting the scalp with a knife on the top of the head.

This female corpse is very fierce, and it is difficult to surrender all of a sudden. It seems that she has to use her true skills.

"The sky is round, I stand in the center, with my feet on the seven stars, and I act as a spirit every step of the way. I drop corpses and curse the baby, and I rush like laws and orders!"

I recited the corpse-dropping spell to the female corpse, and she suddenly became dizzy. Her body was swaying on the roof, and her hands and feet were trembling.

I took the opportunity to throw a handful of glutinous rice at her. Corpses are afraid of glutinous rice. This stuff is very effective in treating corpse poison and corpses.

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