Chapter 61 Miss Chen San

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I checked the time and saw that it was time to collect debts from Mr. Chen. If he didn't pay me for a day, I would torture him every night and make his life worse than death. He would complain every day and the earth would not work.

Mr. Chen may be scared and dare not go anywhere. He has been hiding in his mansion at home, surrounded by bodyguards. Now he has taken precautions. He knows that I will not give up if I don't give me money.

The moon is very big tonight, and the butler's "malevolence" is strong. The moonlight is yin, which can make the corpse evil. Fortunately, I have done enough, otherwise the butler's corpse will be prone to backlash. It is best to feed him with raw blood tonight, otherwise I can't suppress this evil nature.

Mr. Chen and these bodyguards will definitely not be able to stop the butler, even guns are useless. The butler is now a walking corpse, just like a zombie. Unless they have the ability to cut off the butler's head, it will be difficult to kill him. But the butler is extremely powerful and his body is like a zombie. The indestructible body of Vajra, if I control him to kill people, these flesh and blood bodies will be like mud, which can be smashed with one palm, the flesh and blood will be blurred instantly, and they will die tragically on the spot.

This time, I swaggered into the Chen Mansion. A few bodyguards did come over, but they were all dealt with by the housekeeper. I didn't kill them, but I couldn't get out of bed for a month. This was my most merciful method. .

I stepped through the gate and shouted loudly: "Mr. Chen, it's time to pay back the money. Three hundred million, not a penny less."

But no one answered. Although the Chen family was brightly lit, not a single person was seen. It was quiet. The hall or upstairs was also extremely quiet. I didn't know where everyone had gone.

If Mr. Chen wasn't here, he would never hire so many bodyguards to guard the door of his house. Those idiots must be hiding, and the atmosphere here is not right. There is an ambush.

I started to pinch my fingers, then twisted the Yang Jue with my hands, and recited the hexagram technique, and the hexagram image immediately appeared. This hexagram is Lei Ze's sister-in-law. There are many dangers. There is danger here!

Haha, as expected, Mr. Chen is still unwilling to sit still and wait for death. He should have hired someone to deal with me. Besides, my daughter who just returned to China has been touched by me. Can he be willing to accept it? They probably want to cut me into pieces now.

At this moment, a gun was suddenly placed on my head, and a woman came out from the side. She was very fast, and her lower body was very stable and light. There was no sound of footsteps when she walked. She was a practitioner. But looking at her face, she doesn't look like that rough-and-tumble person. Her face is very delicate, somewhat similar to Chen Ling and Chen Yi. She wears a pair of glasses, is polite, and wears a short skirt. She's quite handsome. Seductive.

She looks a little young, maybe just twenty years old, and is still very young, but her eyes and expressions are definitely not inferior to anyone else's.

Could this be Master Chen's third daughter? This bitch is too cowardly. He is afraid of death and asks his daughter to die again and again. He is really a good Chinese father.

At the beginning, Chen Ling was asked to come to me for negotiation, and then Chen Yi was asked to bring the headmaster here. I am afraid that this is the third daughter, but Mr. Chen is as timid as a mouse and has never shown up.

Okay, since you have brought your daughters to my lips one by one, why should I refuse to accept them? I will help you, China's good father!

"I don't like people pointing guns at my head!" I wasn't afraid at all. I turned to look at her with a smile on my face.

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