Chapter 60 Yellowed Notepad

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If you add Lin Xiang's copper coin, I have six. But the copper coin Wu Sheng gave me has only shined now. According to past experience, there should be something good sent to me. He is really my grandfather. ah!

After opening the door, there was a child standing in front of the door. He looked only seven or eight years old, but his demeanor and expression seemed to be that of an old man. He also had a little mustache, which looked a little strange. He was leaning on a black crutch. When he saw me, he asked in a sweet voice, "Are you the grandson of the half-immortal?"

I frowned and looked him over. Is this person a child or an old man? I can't tell the difference at all, it looks so strange.

"Are you?" the child continued to ask without saying anything else.

I nodded: "I am! What can I do for you?"

"That's fine. This notepad was entrusted to you by your grandfather." The child said, taking out a yellowing book from his arms. It was already a bit old and had several holes in the cover.

"What is this?" I frowned and took the book from the child's hand. It looked like tatters, and I didn't know what was recorded in it.

"I don't know either. I don't dare to read it. Since the book has been handed over to you, I will leave." The child said and disappeared with a swipe. It was very strange, but a hole was left in front of the door. It's not deep, it just appeared, and you can explore to the bottom with your hands.

I scratched my head. Although I was used to it, there were all kinds of things that came to deliver things, but the momentary disappearance left a hole, which really aroused my curiosity. However, after thinking for a long time, I couldn't find the result, so I had to give up. But I know that this child must not be human.

After the child left, I opened the book. The yellowed pages recorded a personal name, contact information and address, and even what he did and what his name was. There was also Wu Sheng in it.

Looking at these names, I was stunned. Almost all of these people were big guys!

Wu Sheng didn't mention it. A tycoon in the antique world, a "mediocre" antique dealer, casually brought out a collection of antiques, which cost tens of millions, or even over 100 million.

Some of the names recorded in this book are ones I have heard of before. For example, the first name is Hu Yanlong. He is the Fox King of Northeast China. I heard that he has raised several fox fairies, and the five wild fairy families have to give him face. , it is not that he worships the wild immortals, but the wild immortals worship him. His abilities are unpredictable, and the foxes he raises are also very spiritual. It is said that he was originally a widower, but he gave birth to a daughter. Some people say that his daughter, He was born to him by a fox demon. He has a watery appearance and a look that could bring disaster to the country and the people. He is a match for Daji.

The 100th person's name recorded was named Xiao Tongtian. I heard from my second uncle that he knew almost everything, five hundred years before and five hundred years after. He knew everything, so he dared to call him Xiao Tongtian.

But I know that if you want to pry open his mouth to ask for news, it will be harder than climbing to the sky.

Some secrets are human secrets, and some secrets are secrets from heaven. If you reveal secrets from heaven, you will be punished by God!

It's not impossible to know the secrets of heaven, but you have to pay a price. This is Xiao Tongtian, who is extremely famous in both the Yin and Yang worlds, and everyone respects him as Mr. Yiyi.

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