Chapter 48 Lower your head

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I changed the Chen family's feng shui. Now his business has plummeted, and weird things happen frequently in jewelry and hotels. And this is just the beginning. It will be more terrible in the future, not only business, but also people.

Logically speaking, Mr. Chen should have given in. If he knew it was me and still didn't obediently hand over the money, something big would happen later.

But Chen Ling's sudden words made me stunned. She said to me: "Su Yang, listen to my advice, you... forget it! You can't fight my dad."

I was stunned. I couldn't beat him? Without me, he would have died a long time ago. If he was really capable, he wouldn't be able to find out even the housekeeper. Which of the people under him are so good?

That's not all. Chen Ling didn't come to apologize at all, but came to deliver a message according to Master Chen's instructions. Master Chen said that he would not let me go and let me take care of myself. In this city, there are people he doesn't like. , it's garbage! If you dare to go against him, you must be self-aware.

He won't give me any money, and I don't deserve it. It's too easy for him to disappear alone. I dare to touch the Chen family's ancestral graves. I'm tired of living.

After listening to Chen Lingdai's words, I laughed. The master was right, it was still too light! A person like Mr. Chen will never shed tears until he sees the coffin.

"Su Yang, you are different from the housekeeper. The housekeeper works in the dark so he can succeed frequently, but you work in the light. As long as my dad is willing to spend money, you are in danger!"

Chen Ling wanted to be on my side, but she didn't dare to disobey Mr. Chen, so she could only give me good advice.

Indeed, the Chen family is rich and powerful, and has made friends with many Feng Shui masters and shady people. If the housekeeper is not behind the scenes, it is probably not easy to destroy the Chen family. As long as Mr. Chen is willing to pay, there will be countless masters working for him. .

But Mr. Chen underestimated me too much and thought that I was easy to bully at a young age. Even if I had some ability, I was just a young boy who was just starting out. He would do whatever he wanted when he was in a bad mood. Hehe, he was really like a bully. !

As expected of Old Mrs. Chen's son, he has the same bloodline and similar qualities. If Chen Ling hadn't had the copper coins in hand and asked me to save the Chen family, I would have let him die in the first place.

"I'm sorry Chen Ling, go back and tell your dad that 10 million won't work anymore. I want 100 million now!" I said coldly.

It seems that rich people don't pay as much attention to wealth as I thought. This time, I will take action directly against Mr. Chen, making him sleepless and restless. Also, I feel like I have to implement what the master said.

But looking at Chen Ling, I couldn't bear to do anything. I have three daughters, can I touch two of them? She didn't know when her other two sisters would come back.

"One hundred million? Are you crazy?" Chen Ling exclaimed, "Su Yang, it's useless for you to change our family's feng shui. My dad has already found someone to move the grave. He spent money to find a new vein, and the feng shui is even better. Well, it's extremely confidential and no one else can know about it."

No wonder Mr. Chen is not afraid. It turns out that he directly found someone to move the grave, and also found a Feng Shui dragon vein, which is probably more prosperous than before.

But if he thinks that I can't touch him, then he is too naive. I can still touch him without changing the feng shui of the ancestral grave, but I wasn't so cruel before. But some people just can't cry without seeing the coffin.

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