Chapter 85 Evil Sect

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I still remember that Pan drank too much water that night. He suddenly had an urgent need to urinate in the early morning. He hurried to the toilet. At this time, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew over, which made him shiver, but he didn't care, but in his mind When I was washing my hands, I suddenly saw an extra person in the mirror.

It was a blurry shadow, which seemed to be a woman. She was standing behind General Pan, smiling strangely in the mirror. Not to mention how charming that smile was.


General Pan screamed in fright, and then turned around reflexively, but there was nothing behind him, but at this time he heard footsteps, very fast.

Pan Jiang calmed down his emotions, and then walked out slowly. He turned on all the lights in the house, and his footsteps sounded as if he had just walked into the corpse-free fairy's room, and then disappeared.

Generally speaking, Pan Jiang would never enter that room at night. Although the Corpse Fairy blessed him and made a lot of money, it was still a corpse. He looked at it for a while at night and was afraid that he would not be able to sleep.

But the footsteps just now were so obvious that Pan Jiang couldn't help but be curious and wanted to go in to find out why there were footsteps in his house in the middle of the night. He lived alone.

Either there was a burglar in the house, or...

Pan Jiang didn't dare to think further, so he slowly opened the door. With a creak, the door cracked open a crack, and a gust of dark wind blew out, cutting Pan Jiang's body like a knife.

General Pan shuddered and suddenly did not dare to go further inside. He murmured: "Zombie Immortal, Corpse Immortal, no offense intended, please don't blame me, I will worship you well, don't scare me. "

After finishing speaking, Pan Jiang began to gain courage, and then glanced into the crack of the door.

But at this moment, an eye suddenly appeared behind the door, and he was also looking out through the crack in the door.

That eye was very strange. It seemed that the eyeballs were all white, with large eye sockets and black mucus swirling around them. It didn't look like the eyes of a living person.

"Ah... ghost, ghost!" Pan Jiang shouted subconsciously. His scalp suddenly became numb, and his whole body was extremely frightened, and then he fell to the ground.

He screamed desperately. People will yell when they reach extreme fear. This is the best way to relieve fear. If you can't scream, you will be scared and faint because the brain will be deprived of oxygen.

At this time, the door slowly opened, but there were no eyes behind the door. I could only see the Corpse Immortal placed there quietly, without any movement at all, as if everything just now was Pan General's illusion.

Pan Jiang was panting heavily, covered in cold sweat, and was so frightened that he almost had a heart attack. Fortunately, there was nothing inside, and there were no thieves. The Corpse Fairy was fine and did not "alive" at all.

What about the footsteps I heard and the eyes I saw just now? Illusion? Is it the sequelae of being suspicious? And the woman standing behind him in the mirror?

Pan Jiang no longer dared to think about it. The more he thought about it, the more scared he became. If he continued like this, he would have a nervous breakdown. He quickly walked back to his room, then covered his head and slept with the quilt tightly, so that he felt safe. .

But he slept very poorly, having nightmares all night long, and it seemed like someone was pulling his quilt and blowing air in his ears. When he woke up in the morning, his bones all over his body ached and he was very weak.

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